Jill Merriman (upper left) was one of an estimated 1,000 volunteers to who scoured the Don Valley Saturday in the epic Don’t Mess with the Don cleanup blitz. Thank you Jill and all the other public-spirited friends of the valley. Sunday dawns with more cleanup challenges including Leaside Gardens team cleanup of Laird Drive. Volunteers meet at 10 a.m. at the gardens. At centre left and right, shots of Saturday’s busy St. Cuthbert’s Spring Fair. Just below that is the pool-sized pothole at Mt. Pleasant Rd. and Davisville Ave. still unfilled but ready for pavement soon. It has taken an eternity to fix. Lower left is a wonderful low-slung 1964 Pontiac Parisienne convertible loafing in the parking lot at the Moore Ave. Loblaws. Lastly, a reminder of the South of Eglinton Ratepayers and Residents Association AGM Tuesday. The Moore Park residents meeting is the same night. Details of both here.