Peel Police have staged an unusual appeal to the public by bringing a bed-ridden and badly injured accident victim to headquarters for a news conference. The victim, Navindra Sookramsingh, 21, was struck in an unusual early-morning hit-and-run occurrence March 17 on West Dr near Clark Dr. He had fallen to the roadway pavement about 4 a.m. because he was ill, the authorities say. He was nearly struck by one vehicle and was trying to stand when he was struck by another. It kept on going. In a whispered appeal from his bed Mr. Sookramsingh said that he has forgiven the driver who fled but wants he or she to take responsibility for what was done. “I can’t move my hands, I can’t talk and I can’t enjoy a life where as a man I feel less than everyone else,” he is quoted as saying. “Do you know what that feels like? I am not mad at you for hitting me because people do have accidents and I don’t want to see you get into any trouble. I just want you to be responsible for what you did to me, for the changes you made to my life. It is going to be changed forever.” The vehicle that struck Sookramsingh was a 2003 to 2007 Toyota Corolla. Video