Facebook topics piling up comments Thursday range from the return of the Leslieville Hum to (yes) speeding in Leaside. As to the hum, one comment asserts that a likely cause is a “huge industrial vacuum in the Greenwood (TTC) yards (used) when they are repairing the tracks or track bed….cannot do it by digging due to all the wiring The transformer will be louder under heavier than normal load.” Just another advantage of streetcars one might say with muted sarcasm. As to Leaside speeding, a woman has posted a photo of the license plate of a car she says sped through the stop sign at Millwood and Bessborough at 60 km. Shocking if true but there are many doubters and the thread seems to fall apart with recriminations. Lastly, Ann Brown’s Leaside Chit Chat has many readers commenting on a South Bayview Bulldog story about the Ford government’s directive that buildings at Bayivew and Eglinton should rise to 35 storeys.