Residents of Summerhill west of Yonge St. are working through the ABC Resident’s Association to move a large so-called District Station installed by Enbridge Inc. in Jay Macpherson Green at Avenue Rd. and Macpherson Ave. It has been there since December 2017 and the association says City of Toronto consent requirements for placement of such a large box were somehow ignored. Previously a smaller facility was fully buried. Yonge and Roxborough News
After over two years of study, meetings and considering options the ABC Residents Association believes it is in the best interests of the community that this large and imposing box be relocated to a less prominent area. Will the construction be inconvenient? Yes. However, if the box is not moved, it will be in its present location forever, detracting from the Park’s beauty and the community’s enjoyment of an unobstructed green space in our community. To replace the lost trees, appropriate species, in appropriate locations for tree growth, will be planted to revitalize the aging tree canopy. ABCRA is having a tree replacement plan prepared and will post it on the ABCRA website in the next few days. We hope you agree that the short term pain is worth the long term gain, however, you have every right to express your point of view. We want to ensure that you have all the facts. If you have any further questions or comments, email us at — ABCRA
The ABCRA takes its name from boundaries west of Yonge St. being Avenue Rd., Bloor St. and Cottingham St.