Bathurst postal attack, set me free lover and poppy box perp

Toronto police are seeking the man at the left for the attack Friday on a postal delivery person in a condo at Lake Shore Blvd and Bathurst St. The mailman was beaten up and robbed of his belongings. The suspect is described as 5’9” and unshaven with dark short hair. He was wearing a black North Face jacket, blue pants and black/white running shoes At the centre is Shaun Rootenberg, 48. He is using an interesting Hail Mary appeal to escape his conviction for defrauding an eHarmony partner out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mr Rootenberg says that he was strip-searched unnecessarily in prison. “Absent judicial condemnation, this systemic violation will only continue,” Rootenberg argues in his court filings. “(It) is a wide-scale and ongoing constitutional violation that the courts cannot condone,” he has told Ontario Superior Court. Finally, at the right, a minor crime of emotional impact as Peel Regional Police seek Sindi Ingram, 34, of no fixed address, for stealing two poppy boxes.