Karygiannis removed from Council for vote overspending

Jim Karygiannis has been removed as City Councillor for Ward 22 after a review found that he overspent on his 2018 campaign expenses. City Clerk Ulli Watkiss announced the decision in a news release (below) late Wednesday afternoon. According to the release, the campaign spending limit for Ward 22 in the 2018 election was $61,207.95, with a maximum of 10 percent – or $6,120.80 – to be spent for “parties and other expressions of appreciation” after voting day.

Spent $25,962.70 too much

A review of Karygiannis’ expenses found that he spent $32,083.50 on parties and other expressions of appreciation, nearly five times the limit. The Municipal Elections Act dictates that forfeiture of office is automatic if a candidate is found to have exceeded their spending limit. “The Act does not give the City Clerk any latitude or discretion on this matter,” the city said in its release. The move means that Karygiannis is disqualified from being elected or appointed to any office until after the 2022 municipal election.

Toronto City Clerk, Ulli Watkiss, this afternoon gave notice to Jim Karygiannis that he is no longer a City of Toronto Councillor for Ward 22 based on the supplementary financial statement that he filed for the 2018 election, as required under the Municipal Elections Act.

Under the Act, every candidate is required to file a financial statement for the 2018 election. The Act allows candidates to spend a maximum amount of money in an election. For Ward 22 in 2018, that total was $61,207.95, with a maximum of 10% – or $6,120.80 – to be spent for “parties and other expressions of appreciation” after voting day. Mr. Karygiannis filed expenses under “parties and other expressions of appreciation” shows that he spent $32,083.50, which on its face exceeds the expense limit by $25,962.70.

The Act does not give the City Clerk any latitude or discretion on this matter. Under s.88.23(2) of the Act, forfeiture of the office is automatic if, on its face, a financial statement shows expenses for “parties and other expressions of appreciation” after voting day exceed the amount permitted. Mr. Karygiannis is in default of the Act and is disqualified from being elected or appointed to any office until after the 2022 municipal election.

Candidates are responsible for ensuring their financial filings are accurate and compliant with the Act. Mr. Karygiannis’ financial statement, signed by his auditor, can be found here http://app.toronto.ca/EFD/jsf/candidate2018/view_financial_statements.xhtml.

The City Clerk will report to Toronto City Council at its next meeting on November 26, outlining next steps with respect to declaring the seat vacant, as prescribed by the City of Toronto Act, 2006. In the interim, staff in the Ward 22 office will continue to support residents in the ward, and will report to the City Clerk until the office is filled by appointment or by-election.

A Notice of Default was sent to all Members of Council this afternoon and can be read here https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/elections/