Karygiannis says appeal has returned him to City Council

Councillor Jim Karygianis says he has been returned to City Council after winning an appeal of his removal as the representative of Ward 22.  The City Clerk removed Karygiannis from that role when it was revealed he spent more on his campaign than is permitted. Karygiannis said his campaign expenses were caused by a misunderstanding. “I maintain that I followed the rules and regulations to the best of my ability,” he told CP24 Monday.

Acted in good faith

In his decision, Superior Court Justice William Chalmers said Karygianis acted in good faith in disclosing a post-election party at Santorini Grill in Thornhill. “The amount spent was disclosed. The information with respect to the event was also disclosed in the supplementary financial statement albeit in a different section. I find there was no attempt to hide the expense,” Chalmers wrote. The judge agreed that the error on the supplementary financial statement that resulted in the city clerk’s finding was made inadvertently.