Spirits high as 2 health care projects take EYTC retail space

Spirits are high as the Flemingdon Health Centre, The Neighbourhood Organization and Michael Garron Hospital collaborate to build a new 60,000-square-foot health centre to be called the Thorncliffe Park Community Hub. The hub is one of two health centres which will occupy the large two-storey east wing of the East York Town Centre left vacant when the Target store moved out in 2015. It has been a long-held dream of residents and professional people to deliver one-stop health care to Thorncliffe Park, a neighbourhood full of newcomers to Canada. As many as 22,000 patients are expected to seek care at the hub. It is planned to open in the Fall of 2021 on the second floor of the former Target store. The main floor below will be home to the nearly-completed St. Michael’s Hospital Kidney Care Centre dialysis site. It is scheduled to open in 2020. Not profitable! Target’s sudden move closes Canadian stores