Quiet streets, blossoms, wiping groceries and getting up late

Scenes of quiet Toronto like Broadway Ave. west of Bayview (above) remind us of what a historic moment we are living through. Among the many ways in which we may stay in touch with life beyond our homes is a plan by the City to broadcast scenes of cherry blossom time at High Park. The park will be fully closed to the public. Mayor Tory said Wednesday the cherry blossom will be seen both live and recorded. Plans are to be released soon.

CBC report offers advice on safe grocery shopping

One routine duty — grocery shopping — is still available to us but of course, it is far from routine these days. This CBC National report talks about whether you need to wipe down boxes when you unpack. What to do when you return from the grocery store

Sleeping in, power consumption

And this CityNews chat discusses how Toronto Hydro is seeing a reduction in overall power use. Seems inevitable with so many places closed but Hydro also notes that coffee makers, toasters and other breakfast necessities are being used later in the morning. Cream sleepyhead? BT