Spirit at Home offers CGS kids hope for 2020-21 school year

As the 2019/20 school year draws to a close, many parents are reflecting on what a difficult time it’s been these past few months. School closures caused by COVID 19 set unprecedented circumstances in motion. Entire curriculums and school life had to be moved online in record time in both the public and private systems. At CGS, dedicated staff members threw their heart and soul into creating a new routine for students and families as quickly as possible. They built what they call their CGS Spirit at Home program. It is a program designed, above all, to keep students feeling connected and engaged with their teachers, their learning, and their friends, even when separation is necessary.

CGS determined no one falls through the cracks

Many parents are nervous about the “new normal” and what school will look like next. How will children manage if school has to go online? What if local schools don’t provide any live teaching and my child falls through the cracks? The reaction of one parent is informative. She wrote: “CGS rose to the occasion and honestly, blew us away. I was amazed by what a great experience we had with online learning. I can only imagine what went on behind the scenes for it to appear so seamless to us.” CGS is eager to provide others with the reassurance they’re seeking. You can learn more about how CGS is leaning into the challenges ahead to create the best possible early years programming, at school or online. Contact Kelly Scott, Director of Admission, at kscott@cgsschool.com to book an online chat.