Ontario cases hit 203, fear party kids may trigger next wave

The Ministry of Health reports 203 new cases of COVID-19 in Ontario Tuesday, the first time the number has risen above 200 in three weeks. Peel Region had 57 and Ottawa 43. Officials there say it appears the cause is young people partying hard together. Toronto, the largest City in Canada, reports 30 cases and Windsor-Essex 24. The increases raise concern for a widespread “second wave” as the province tries to re-open business and social

Ontario Medical Association warns against re-opening bars

Ontario should rethink allowing bars to resume serving customers indoors as a large swath of the province enters Stage 3 of the COVID-19 reopening plan, the Ontario Medical Association says. In a statement released Friday, the OMA says that while reopening the economy is important for Ontarians’ financial, social and developmental needs, it is not an “all or nothing situation,” adding that bars have been shown to fuel the spread of the novel coronavirus in other parts of Canada and in other countries.