On a sunny South Bayview Friday with warm week to come

This bright November Friday heralds a week of nice weather across South Bayview. The Bulldog did errands and saw (upper left) a gang of Greenwood College kids enjoying the parkette outside school. Be safe guys. Below that on the left is another C-19 new reality — the heated and distanced waiting area at Summerhill Market on Summerhill Ave. We like it. At upper right is sunny South Bayview about 11 a.m. at Millwood Rd. People are busy and lazy all at once. Enjoy folks. Lower left, these red maple bushes on Welland Ave. can be seen all over Toronto now. They rival the flag itself as a national symbol. At lower right, the fine new home rising at Garfield Ave and MacLennan Ave is no doubt going to be a stunner. Go big and go home.