Scarborough neighborhoods like Rouge, Malvern, Woburn and Scarborough Village are C-19 hotspots with cases per 100,000 of population ranging up to 783. The CBC says it’s because many residents are “front line workers” who can’t stay home plus what it calls “multi-generational” homes. This would mean kids living with parents or vice versa. Sadly, the highest rate of infection is currently in Thorncliffe Park, 1,094 to every 100,000 of population. Interactive Map
Toronto tax would persuade landlords to rent
Toronto Council has voted to design what it calls a vacant home tax as a way of getting landlords to rent empty homes.
Minassian trial near end
The trial of Alek Minassian is nearing its end. Closing arguments are now being heard and Justice Anne Molloy will then decide whether the Yonge St van killer will go to a hospital or to prison. City News