Glenn Asano’s interesting piece in Leaside Life seems to tip-toe around how to get traffic quickly in and out of the long-stalled commercial development at 33 Laird. The Bulldog got disoriented (as dogs will) by suggestions of a connection with Thorncliffe Park possibly by extending Canvarco Rd (now a dead end). At any rate, Mr Asano also says the best solution to ending 33 Laird’s isolation to motor traffic is for the City to purchase the whole place. Please no. Let tax-paying private property lie. The answer to accessing 33 Laird is a four-way intersection at Millwood Rd and Laird Drive. This would provide much incentive for residents in south Leaside and beyond to toddle straight into any new commercial site from Millwood. Northbound traffic could easily right-turn into the site and the intersection is wide enough to create a left-turn lane for southbound cars. Then Organic Garage, the grocer whose cute name rivals Farm Boy, will be able to offer its healthy produce to millions.