New one-way sections of Roehampton and Broadway Aves

New signage has been installed to enforce new rules on Roehampton and Broadway Avenues between Mount Pleasant and Yonge Street. New regulations in “The Yonge/Eglinton Construction Hub” involve parking restrictions, while the most significant change appears to be the creation of the new one-way roads. Roehampton Avenue, between Yonge Street and Mount Pleasant Avenue is now one-way for eastbound traffic only. While Broadway Avenue, between Mount Pleasant Avenue and Yonge Street is one-way for westbound traffic only.

“The Yonge/Eglinton Construction Hub was created to provide coordination amongst the large number of redevelopment projects that are currently taking place and are proposed within a small geographical area, as a way to improve safety, mitigate the impacts of construction traffic and ensure consultation between the parties involved.” Read full 15 page report here. City Council directed that the traffic and parking regulations be implemented on a temporary basis, as a pilot project. City Council Decision.

  3 comments for “New one-way sections of Roehampton and Broadway Aves

  1. More signage is needed for people to see that the street is now one way. It is extremely dangerous for drivers and pedestrians.
    It is terrifying.

  2. ARE YOU TRYING TO HAVE MORE PEDESTRIANS KILLED AT THE INTERSECTION OF YONGE /ROEHAMPTON?? Only someone who doesn’t live here could possibly come with such an idiotic plan. For those of us that work in the east and are trying to get home, they will have to go ALL THE WAY AROUND to do so. Have you EVER TRIED TURNING FROM YONGE ON TO ROEHAMPTON WITH HUNDREDS of pedestrians ( who don’t care about obeying traffic lights) crossing at the same time? I ask the planners of this thoughtlessly thought out change to do it for ONE WEEK, during rush hour and let me know how many near misses they have encountered. Someone is going to be killed as a result of this added traffic to this extremely congested intersection.

    • At a minimum, that left turn from Yonge to Roehampton needs a left turn green arrow signal so that more than 1 car can make it through that left turn without worrying about oncoming traffic and pedestrians and relieve some congestion for that turn.

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