Thurs: Taliban brothers pitooey, crochet magic and feed me

Women’s minister Maryam Monsef has dropped a clanger as she appealed to the Taliban to respect women’s rights. She called the Taliban brothers. A lot of people are trying to spit out that bad taste Thursday. Pitooey

Toronto woman crochets her way to good business

Then there’s Toronto woman Jess Papp who appears to be on the road to business success with her crochet creations at her firm, HotPot Variety. Holt Renfrew liked her work and gave Jess a call. She’s building a new Shopify site and has a chance to make a real success. It would never have happened in Kabul. Instagram

Tomato capital creates food bank

City News hoofer Audra Brown reports from Leamington, Canada’s Tomato Capital, on how irregularly shaped veggies are providing perfectly good food