Novak Djokovic, the 20-time Serbian major tennis champion, had his visa cancelled by Australian Border Force officials who rejected his evidence to support a medical exemption from the country’s strict COVID-19 vaccination rules. But how did he get into Australia in the first place? Suspicion grows that somebody got special treatment
Sidney Poitier’s remarkable life and accomplishments
Sidney Poitier has died after a long and full life. In this well-done obituary, Poitier is seen speaking modestly about his enormous showbusiness breakthrough.
Study suggests women more likely to die if surgeon is male
A study done at Toronto hospitals has found that women patients may be 30 percent more likely suffer fatal post-operative complications if their surgeon is a man. The reasoning offered is that women surgeons can communicate better with the patient. Or, as mentioned well down in the story, does the 90 percent male dominance of this field make that outcome an inevitable matter of chance?