Toronto police are reported to have closed off traffic on streets in a large rectangle stretching from Church to Spadina and Dupont to Queen in response to concerns about further truck blockages. They have also narrowed the Don Valley Parkway to slow possible convoys. As well, the parkway south at Richmond St and Gardiner Expressway at Park Lawn Road are reported closed.
Big rigs gone but uncertainty at Windsor-Detroit
CBC reporter Thomas Daigle is reporting that police attempting to clear the Ambassador Bridge at the Windsor-Detroit crossing have not yet done so and his information leaves it unclear as to their strategy. Other CBC reporting says: “All the big rigs cleared out Saturday morning, with many laying on their horns as they left”.
6 hours after police moved in to clear the Ambassador Bridge blockade, 200 protesters are staying put. Officers are allowing them to come and go as they wish.
— Thomas Daigle (@thomasdaigle) February 12, 2022