Toronto Police have again blocked road access to Queen’s Park in response to social media messages that some truckers occupying Ottawa will travel to Toronto. One of those convoy organizers is a man named Chris Barber, according to CTV reporter Glen McGregor. McGregor says the convoy bosses often post inaccurate information. Other tweets (below) say Barber called this threat “a game”.
Before anyone gets too excited: this could well be a joke; Barber is only one of many organizers and they are not all of like mind; and organizers have repeatedly provided incorrect information. We'll see.
— Glen McGregor (@glen_mcgregor) February 9, 2022
I asked Chris Barber, the convoy organizer who posted a TikTok video saying they would leave today for Toronto, if they're actually going to leave. He responded: "No, it's a game."
Not sure if the response is a game too but that's what he said.— Alex Ballingall 🫨 (@aballinga) February 9, 2022