Fears for Ukraine as ceasefire ends, Russians press attack

There are fears that the courageous Ukrainian resistance to Russian forces may soon be crushed as fighting rages across the country. A ceasefire to permit civilians to escape is said to have been ended by Russia. Prime Minister Trudeau will be meeting with European leaders Sunday as many Ukrainians continue to call for NATO air support. President Zelensky spoke with President Biden for 32 minutes Saturday night but the content of that talk has not been revealed.

Canada can sell gas to Europe — why doesn’t it?

Why doesn’t Canada sell its oil and gas to Europe? It would knock the stuffing out of Putin’s most profitable source of income. But yes, we have to come to grips with the way we keep cancelling pipeline projects.

Fins, Swedes look to their security

The President of Finland has made an emergency visit to Washington. His country shares an 800-mile long border with Russia. The Fins and fellow Scandanavians in Sweden are on edge, to say the least.