Having considered input from the community, the City made changes and will be reporting on a recommended zoning by-law for the Midtown ‘Villages’ to Planning and Housing Committee on May 31, 2022. This is the first phase of a zoning by-law amendment to implement the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan, which was brought into force in 2019. Future phases are anticipated to be brought forward in 2023, following further consultation. Project Website: www.toronto.ca/ReadySetMidtown
In the e-update on March 24, 2022, the draft zoning by-law for five Midtown ‘Villages’ was available for review and comment. The Midtown ‘Villages’ are identified on Map 21-2 of the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan and include Eglinton Way, Yonge Street North, Mount Pleasant South, Bayview-Leaside, and Yonge Street South. Since that time, they received emails, phone calls, and letters offering input and suggestions to make the draft zoning by-law better.