Ramona’s Kitchen continues to work hard preparing 1608 Bayview Ave for their new restaurant. The building’s façade was recently refreshed, waiting for some new signage. Walking south and looking up to the top floor of 1578 Bayview Ave, Gold Hollow is now open for business! Safe body piercing, custom tattooing and fine body jewelry is what the sign says. You can see a 360° view of their new digs on Instagram here. At the corner of Belsize Dr., we can see that the lower level of 1560a Bayview Avenue is nearing completion. The Daughter Natural Wine Bar and Bottle Shop looks like they’re just about ready to open their doors. A peek into their windows after the sun set revealed dozens of bottles of vino ready for us to enjoy. A sign says that they’re hiring — see the picture above for details. Welcome to Bayview everyone!