Rosedale United’s warm winter coat drive needs 500 coats

In Toronto, over 18,000 people suffer from homelessness each night, burdened with facing the incredibly cold Canadian winter, and in some cases, even freezing to death.

As we enter the winter season, many of us will start to pull out our winter coats and many will buy new ones. However, warm clothes can be costly and inaccessible, especially for individuals experiencing homelessness.

In the past two years, we have collected and purchased 1,200 warm coats which we have distributed to four outreach agencies providing front line services to our less fortunate neighbours: Fred Victor (formerly the CRC), Metropolitan United Church, Sanctuary Toronto and the Roehampton Hotel Shelter.

This year’s goal: we are determined to collect another 500 warm jackets for the people of Toronto who don’t have the privilege of being able to purchase a warm coat. More than 500 is even better.
Rosedale United Church Warm Winter Coat Drive

When will coats be collected?

  • Tuesday, Nov 8th – 4:30pm to 6:30pm, and
  • Thursday, Nov 10th – 4:30pm to 6:30pm, and
  • Saturday, Nov 12th from 10am to 1pm at the west side door (located on Glen Ave) of Rosedale United Church (159 Roxborough Dr., Toronto, Ontario)

The many ways you can help:

  • Donate warm coats – one or more adult warm water/windproof winter jackets. (Good condition used, or new) and/or
  • Donate money to Rosedale United Church to help us buy warm jackets for the homeless. The cost of one warm jacket is approximately $100. Any amount helps. A tax receipt will be issued for contributions in excess of $25 and/or
  • Volunteer your help to collect and sort coats.

Who to contact for more information:

If you would like to volunteer your time or are unable to deliver your jackets to the church please contact Ashlin Barry at, Max Von Bargen at or Clare Barry at If it’s for jacket pickup, please indicate where and when jackets can be picked up.