Seeking nominations for the 2023 Agnes Macphail Award

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2023 Agnes Macphail Award. Do you know an East Yorker you feel would be a good candidate for this award? The nomination form is available at: Agnes Macphail Award – City of Toronto. Completed nominations must be received by midnight, January 5, 2023.

Agnes Macphail House — In 1948, Agnes Macphail purchased the property with the street addresses of
2 Donegall Drive and 720 Millwood Road in Leaside. The duplex was constructed in 1937.

The annual award is presented to an East York resident who has made outstanding contributions as a volunteer in one or more of the following areas:

  • Women’s rights
  • Fairness to seniors
  • Criminal justice system and penal reform
  • International peace and disarmament
  • Access to adequate housing, health care and education

The nominee must be a resident of the former Borough of East York who lives by Agnes’ motto, “Think Globally, Act Locally”.

Agnes Campbell Macphail (1890-1954) was once described as “the most important woman in public life that Canada has produced in the 20th century.” The Agnes Macphail Award was established in January 1994 by the former Borough of the East York Council. The award recognizes the connection of the East York community to the causes Agnes Macphail championed in her long and distinguished career. The recipient is recommended to Toronto City Council by the East York Agnes Macphail Recognition Committee.

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