City Council Motion to keep the Science Centre in place

Keep the Science Centre in Place

Councillors Josh Matlow and Jon Burnside have put forward a motion that will protect the Science Centre to support Thorncliffe and Flemingdon Park. This motion will be made at the next City Council session on July 19th to 21st prior to the summer recess.

City Council Meeting commencing on July 19th

The Federation of North Toronto Residents’ Associations (FoNTRA) asks all city residents’ associations to write in to support this motion, and ask their resident members join the letter writing campaign.

Send a letter now:


Earlier this spring the Provincial Government announced their intention to move the Ontario Science Centre to a much smaller location at Ontario Place. This announcement was done without consultation with residents of Thorncliffe and Flemindon Park who rely on the Centre for employment and education opportunities. The Science Centre is also part of a burgeoning cultural district that includes the Aga Khan Museum.

The cultural attraction is an important economic driver for the local community as it brings visitors from across the city and around the world to Don Mills and Eglinton. It would be a real blow to this community to lose the Science Centre just as the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown’s “Science Centre” station is about to make the attraction more accessible to the entire city.

The City of Toronto has an obligation to explore all possible means to keep the Science Centre at its current location. This motion requests City Staff to explore avenues to have the Province continue operating the site Don Mills and Eglinton and the feasibility of the City operating the Science Centre as it does the Toronto Zoo. (Source)