Hi there Bulldog team,
I was searching around for resources for my elderly mom and came across information on a Lunch n Learn you ran in September called: Aging in Place. Sadly – I missed the event BUT it looks like it would have provided info that I am always looking for – resources in Leaside to help seniors, like my mom, to continue living independently in their family homes.
I think that a regular series showcasing senior’s services available in the ‘hood would be a great idea for the South Bayview Bulldog. There are so many folks – like me – trying to keep aging Seniors in the family home and info about what is available would be sooo helpful.
In this context I came across an amazing Personal Trainer in Leaside who works exclusively with SENIORS that is really deserving of some profile. I found Carolyn, when I was looking for in-home help for my elderly, yet fiercely independent mom who needs a regular, regimented fitness program to keep her active.
Without inspiration, coaching, structure and a little cheerleading my dear old Mom simply will not do much to maintain her physical well-being and a regular escort to a gym, aquafit or some other out-of the-home programming is not an option.
Seniors need to move to keep their mobility, dexterity and balance; they have to ‘use it or lose it’ to stay independent and Carolyn is truly dedicated to keeping seniors mobile, active and MOTIVATED!! She really knows her stuff, she’s kind, super professional and personable.
I was pretty lucky to find this service and truly blessed that Carolyn had room in her schedule for twice-weekly sessions for my mom. It is such a relief to know that Carolyn is stopping into the house regularly to get Mommy movin’.
I think that your readers would be thrilled to hear of this in-home option for their aging Mom or Dad and to hear of other services like this on a regular basis. Carolyn’s email is carhayes1609 at gmail.com, or call 416.320.1614 for anyone who would like to get in touch.
Best regards,
Tricia B. (Leaside Resident)
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