5 search results for "garden society scholarship"

Paige Kobe wins 2020 Leaside Garden Society scholarship

A Toronto girl, Paige Kobe, has won the $1,000 Leaside Garden Society Founders’ scholarship for 2020. Paige is a fourth-year student studying Water Resource Science at Lakehead University. Her diverse interests include agriculture, locally grown food, gardening, soil and water resources. Studies have led Paige to soil research that focuses on sustainable agriculture land use and restoring degraded soils. Paige was extremely appreciative of the scholarship. She said it opens up many opportunities associated with her studies. Connie Uetrecht and members of LGS’s Scholarship Committee were on hand to congratulate Paige and her parents.

Virtual Garden Tour

LGS has created a Virtual Garden Tour of member’s gardens in lieu of the annual Leaside Garden Tour normally held in June that was cancelled. Visit the website at leasidegardensociety.org under About Us. All may view.

Speakers Series

The LGS Speaker Series has been continuing online with Zoom Meetings through September, October and November. The 2021 series will feature guest speaker Suzanne Zachararczyk. Topic: Wildlife in the City Date: January 14/21. Time: 7 p.m. New members welcome to join Leaside Garden Society to view the Zoom Meetings. Visit leasidegardensociety.org

Leaside Garden Society’s $2000 scholarship opportunity

The Leaside Garden Society is offering a $2,000 scholarship in 2024 for a student enrolled in a post-secondary institution (second year or beyond) studying horticulture or a related subject such as botany, ecology, environmental science, forestry, horticulture, landscape architecture, or plant science.

The Leaside Garden Society Founders’ Scholarship was established to honour the initiative of those who in the 1980’s had the foresight and energy to form the Leaside Garden Society.

More scholarship information and the application form are available on the Leaside Garden Society website: www.leasidegardensociety.org. Application deadline is June 30, 2024.

Leaside Garden Society to offer horticulture scholarship

The Leaside Garden Society has created a $1,000 scholarship for students in horticulture-related studies in Canada. The candidate must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program in horticulture or a related field of study such as botany, plant science, ecology, landscape architecture or environmental science from an accredited Canadian college or university.  Consideration will be given to a candidate pursuing studies at other recognized Canadian institutions, at the discretion of the selection committee. The one-year scholarship will be granted for the coming academic year 2019-2020.. Recipients may reapply for the scholarship in the subsequent years. Candidates who are present or previous residents of Leaside or a relative of a Leaside resident will receive extra consideration.  For the purpose of this scholarship, Leaside includes North and South Leaside, Bennington Heights and Thorncliffe Park. Check the conditions at the LSG site.  Candidates must submit the following between May 30 and June 30.

  • A LGS Scholarship Application Form that can be found on the LGS website,
  • An unofficial transcript from the present year of their program,
  • An essay (250-500 words) describing why s/he should receive the scholarship,
  • The Leaside address/name which links the applicant to Leaside, if applicable,
  • The name and contact information of two references relevant to their course of study.

Leaside Garden Society: Falling for Autumn – May 11th

Leaside Garden Society invites you to the online virtual Zoom Speaker Series on Thursday, May 11th, 2023. The special guest is Paul Gellatly – The Tattooed Gardener. The topic is Falling for Autumn: Preparing for the Fall. The meeting will commence at 7p.m.

Photograph by Jenny Rhodenizer /Facebook @thetattooedgardener

Leaside Garden Society always welcomes guests and new members to join the Society for their meetings. Visit their website: www.leasidegardensociety.org for more info.

Falling for Autumn…planting with an extended season in mind. Autumn is the time of year when every leaf becomes a flower. When many gardeners are hanging up their shovels and secateurs for the season reflecting on the season’s past and dreaming about the garden to come, there are still weeks, and in some cases months, of incredibly beautiful gardening to experience. Put on your sweater and fall in love with plants, foliage, and even some flowers, before the snow flies.

Gardener Susan Lipchak will address LGS meeting June 10

Master Gardener Susan Lipchak will speak at the Leaside Garden Society virtual meeting on June 10. She is an active volunteer at the Toronto Botanical Garden and loves digging in her own garden. Ms. Lipchak is also a member of the Ontario Rock and Hardy Plant Society.

Leaside man gives shrubs to LGS to boost scholarship

The Leaside Garden Society is thanking a Leaside man, Logan Philp, for donating 50 boxwood bushes to the society. The bushes were made redundant at the Philp home after landscaping. His neighbour Jane Monteith was eager to accept them with a plan to raise funds for the LGS scholarship fund. It worked. Some $900 was raised when the boxwoods were offered in a virtual plant sale. Now the scholarship fund, which is strapped for cash because of the pandemic, will be able to offer its annual $1,000 scholarship for 2022. Well done all.