12:36 Daily has alerted us to the City’s call for a Rabbit/Cat Cuddling Volunteer. Seriously.
Opportunity Details: Volunteers play with the cats and rabbits in the shelters to help with their socialization skills. This is a rewarding experience for the volunteer, but also crucial to the physical and mental well-being of the animals in our care, and helps them get adopted.
Where: All Toronto Animal Services’ shelters.
Time Commitment: The amount of time is flexible based on the volunteer’s schedule, but the volunteer should be able to identify a consistent time slot they are able to come. (e.g. Every Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.). Volunteers are also required to attend an orientation and review the TAS Volunteer manual.
How to Apply: Contact 416-338-0934 or taspartnerships@toronto.ca.