Baby scared/delighted by mom’s nose
•What. You don’t think this is important? More than four million people have watched it. Canadian mom writes: “My five-and-a-half-month old son Emerson isn’t sure what to think when I blow my nose. Sometimes he’s terrified, then he can’t stop laughing.”
“Supermoon” will occur Saturday night
Kate’s see through dress goes for $104,860
Parking pestilence does have rules
•The pestilence of parking tickets seems to be with us for good, but there are rules. The Toronto Police Service has established a few directives for parking officers. In regular legal hours (i.e not rush hour) officers are supposed to permit a five minute grace period. If anyone gets a ticket within less than five minutes after the expiry time, call the TPS. We’re told the ticket will be annulled. The number is (416) 808-2222. It continues to be true that unless the parking officer has actually slapped the ticket on your windshield, or handed it to you, no proper service has occurred. In other words, if you can drive away before the ticket is served, you will not be responsible for it. Shockingly, certain anti-due process types at City Hall under the old regime wanted to eliminate this right in law and declare you guilty regardless. Thank Heavens that hasn’t happened yet. As to rush hour, there’s a five minute grace period starting at the beginning of the rush (4 pm) but after that you’re going to get a ticket the second the parking guy sees your car.
Four nice days ahead on South Bayview
•There are four nice days coming up for South Bayview if you believe the weather fiercest Temperatures will get as high as 13 today under variably cloudy skies. A high of ten is forecast for Friday under sunny skies. Saturday and Sunday look great with partial sunshine and slightly cooler temps.
See a movie, name a baby
A tray fit for a Royal Wedding (Party)
Canadian made bike rentals coming
•The BIXI bicycle rental concept will go into service in Toronto on May 3, City Council has decided. The Canadian made bicycle depot or “docks” system permits cyclists to cycle one way, leave the bike and forget about it, maybe taking the subway or getting a lift in a car for the return trip. Bulldog story on this from May, 2010
Why is there no looting in Japan?
Torontoist blog sold to St. Joseph
•The arts and cultural online blog Torontoist has been purchased by St. Joseph Media, publishers of Toronto Life and other publications. Terms of the transaction were not revealed. Torontoist says it has as many as 10,000 readers a day. It was founded in 2004. Do you ever read Torontoist? If so please leave a comment by clicking below and tell us what you think of it. You can comment anonymously. The Globe and Mail story.
445 Heath sells for $1,175,000