The Bulldog

Torstar Q2 revenue drops $19 million year to year

The Toronto Star and its subsidiary newspapers in Hamilton, Kitchener and Guelph has reported a stunning drop in revenue as a result of fleeing display advertising. Torstar announced today the second quarter ending June 30 saw operating revenue of $206.3 million against $225.6 million last year.. The company reported a loss attributable to shareholders of $1.1 million for the quarter compared with a profit of $19.7 million a year ago. The results include the firm’s Metroland community papers. Torstar also said it had bought into the web forum company VerticalScope. It has more than 600 consumer enthusiast online forums and premium content sites. The Financial Post said statistics referenced by Torstar, VerticalScope’s roster of sites attracts a combined total of more than 80 million unique visitors per month and more than 500 million page views. It makes money from selling banner advertising and through sponsored content. It employs 130 people. There was no information in the Torstar announcement about the profitability of VerticalScope.

When rights collide: Orthodox man vs strong woman

Canada’s elaborate society of rights and expectations has barged right into itself on a Porter airlines flight. A woman is complaining that her “right” was at least threatened because the gentleman, an orthodox Jew, wanted to exercise what he saw as a religious right. Frequently, when “rights” collide, one or both parties say that the other person’s concern isn’t really a right. No no. Welcome to the perfect world of rights.

Blame Bombardier, but Toronto owns the streetcar scandal


Yes, Bombardier has made a total muck up of the streetcar contract. Out-of-alignment frames and substandard workmanship has left the City without the vehicles to replace older cars. Only a pitiful handful of cars has been delivered. We’re not sure as Josh Colle, the TTC chair says, that “Torontonians are looking forward to the pleasures of their new streetcars”. Riding a tram isn’t like an evening with an old friend. But never mind. Bombardier is a bit player in the streetcar scandal played out daily in Toronto. Whether it be the enormous cost and inconvenience of maintaining a street railway in 2015, the extraordinary obstruction of  traffic caused by streetcars, the inflexibility of streetcar routing and the time it costs the public or the maddening exercise of building tracks on the street in Leslieville — it is all entirely the fault of elected City Councillors who voted for a 19th century transit system. Please do not talk of the environment. The impact of electric and natural gas buses on the environment is a piffle. Council is talking of blacklisting Bombardier. Fine. But let members also awaken from their long dark night as streetcar zombies.

Now Mayor Tory invites World Expo 2025 officials to visit

Mayor Tory has written to Vicente Gonzalez Loscertales, the secretary-general of the World Expo authority in Paris, asking him to visit Toronto and address leaders on how to bid on the 2025 event. World Expo is a project very dear to Ward 27 Councilor Kristyn Wong-Tam it appears. She claims the event would bring an “expected 40 million global visitors to Toronto.” This is recounted in the  Toronto Star where there is no mention of the cost.  Any formal bid for the Expo would have to be made by November of 2016. Earlier this week, Tory said he will not be rushing into a bid for the 2024 Olympics and will consult with councillors and the public.

Spanish food favorite Pimenton closes on Mt. Pleasant Rd.


Pimenton, the Spanish and Mediterranean food restaurant, cooking school and catering service at 681 Mt. Pleasant Rd. has closed at that location. A notice in the window says the company continues to offer “catering services, cooking classes, supper club and event planing.” The phone number is that of the Pimenton kitchen and office at 19 Curity Ave in East York. Pimenton will be missed from Mt. Pleasant although it was no doubt a challenge to make money there. The restaurant’s wonderful Paella dishes offered on the street during the BIA’s Restaurantacular were always delicious.