The Bulldog

Grateful Leaside thanks Howard Birnie for “50-75”

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Howard Birnie, the man who has supported community baseball and generally made things right in that regard, is celebrating 50 years of such service this weekend along with his 75th birthday. To thank him a group of friends has made a video wishing Mr. Birnie (Howie) “happy 50-75”. To which The South Bayview Bulldog  adds it own congratulations. Modest Birnie tells CP24 he was never very good at baseball Photo Toronto Star archives


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Above is a picture of the Richardson’s Junior Team from 1962 with Coach Howard Birnie at the left rear. It recalls but one episode in Birnie’s career. In a game against Christie Pits, Birnie had his pitchers in and out like a revolving door, tailoring them to the Pits batters. It was a bravura performance and Richardson won.

Rebuffed twice, Fiat Chrysler still loves General Motors

The boss of Fiat Chrysler Sergio Marchionne said in Toronto Friday that possible merger partners other than rival General Motors Co. exist as a way for the auto maker to lower costs by boosting production. But that’s about all he said. Fiat Chrysler has approached GM twice since 2012 about a partnership. GM has rebuffed each overture. Mr. Marchionne believes the auto sector needs to consolidate to absorb rising costs the industry faces from increased fuel-economy regulations, stringent automobile safety mandates and the prospect of new competition from the self-driving cars being developed by Apple Inc. and Google Inc. But GM has argued it already has sufficient scale to absorb these costs and aims to achieve returns on invested capital of more than 20%. Cynics will also wonder if Mr. Marchionne’s preferred solution is just a way to stay in business.

Two sets of identical twins mixed at birth in Bogota hospital

It is just an amazing tale. Two sets of identical twins are mixed up at birth. One twin from each set is mistakenly sent home with the other and is reared to maturity thinking that he and his brother are fraternal twins, not identical.  Before you watch this enjoyable video look at the pictures above and see if you tell the correct sets of identical twins. To keep you on track, Carlos and Wilber are identical twin bothers, as are Jorge and William.  But they grew up thinking they were brothers Carlos and Jorge and William and Wilber. Hear how they figured out who they were really.

Loblaws, Metro Inc. settle with Toronto area employees

Both Loblaws and Metro Inc.have avoided strikes at their Ontario stores. Local 414 of the grandly-named Union for Canada (Unifor) representing 4,000 workers at Metro grocery stores in Ontario has reached a tentative contract agreement.  The proposed contract covers 28 stores in the Toronto area owned by Metro Inc.. A strike had been set for Sunday. At Loblaws different union has also settled. Local 1000A of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFWC) ratified a contract this week avoiding a strike that could have started this weekend. Shop easy everyone. .

City okays Fragedakis, Burnside motion on Toronto review

Mary Fragedakis (Ward 29) seconded by John Burnside (Ward 26) have had their motion accepted by City Council asking for the provincial government to expand its small-window summer review of the City of Toronto Act. This legislation amalgamated the five municipalities of the former Metropolitan Toronto and created the City we know today. Some think there is both inefficiency and unnecessary politics caused by forcing diverse communities together. A review announced July 2, 2015 permits barely a month for written submissions and provides for no public meetings. Former East York Mayor Alan Redway has been campaigning for a review similar to those done of the Toronto government in the years prior to  amalgamation. Motion 

Where are the teams and their stars to drive our interest?

The New York Times has written an article about how Toronto is indifferent to the Pan Am Games. It seems entirely true and comes with a series of reasons. Most people here know all this intuitively. Where are the team sports Toronto can relate to? Who are the stars? Where is the competition to drive our interest?  What do we have to look forward to by way of television events? What should compel us to spend our carefully-managed disposable income? Civic pride? That’s a hell of a long shot. Is any of this the media’s fault? Sadly, it must be said the games lack focus and compelling sports interest. The Times makes the case more directly than anyone has done that this is at least partly (or maybe a lot) a political effort to get the Olympics to Toronto. Unfortunately, for busy people who have lots things to do — work, play, work, play  (it’s a great City) — the political and media drumbeat of how excited we should be has become a bit of  a harangue. New York Times

Politics at the heart of darkest Bathurst and Lawrence

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Inset l to r: Adams, Mendicino, Oliver

David Akin at the Toronto Sun has winkled out news that Liberal Eve Adams has collected the names of more members of the  Eglinton Lawrence riding association than Marco Mendicino, the local man who has wanted the nomination for a long time and is said to be well-liked around the neighbourhood. It is of interest because  Adams, welcomed into the party by Justin Trudeau when she was effectively kicked out of the Conservatives, wants to face off against Finance Minister Joe Oliver. Adams is said to have 2,800 signatures to Mendicno’s 1,800. Can she get those names on paper into the nomination meeting on the night of July 25 (the last Sunday in July) or is it all just scribbling?  And if foxy Eve can get the nomination can she possibly beat that consummate silver fox Joe Oliver?  David Akin, Toronto Sun

“I’ll give you a worthless cheque and you give me cash”


It is a simple fraud as old as time. All it takes is a gullible friend and a lot of larceny. Cops say Fraham Pirbhai has worked this scam 40 times to the tune of $200,000 over a period of six months on Toronto residents. Pirbhai would give them cheques or deposit them into the victims’ account on their behalf  The victims believed that the deposited cheques were valid, and provided the man the equivalent of the funds deposited into their account  Police believe there may be other victims.