The Bulldog

Ordinary chicken sold as pricey organic kind, she claims


Vashti Dalipsingh

A woman who was in charge of organizing and labeling chicken at the Cericola Farms facility in Bradford says the company routinely labelled ordinary chicken as organic. The mislabeled chicken was shipped to well-known retailers like Loblaws, Costco, Sobey’s and others. says Vashti Dalipsingh. The Cericola firm has issued a statement tonight which accuses Dalipsingh of seeking money but does not deny that such things occurred. She said she discovered the practice in January but after reviewing the company’s records learned that it had been going on for eight months. Dalipsingh alleged the products were mislabeled to fill orders and ship on schedule. Dorian Persaud, a lawyer for Dalipsingh, says records were falsified and code stickers changed to read that chicken arriving at the plant for processing was organic when it was not. Persaud told the CBC that  a Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) inspector was stationed at the Bradford plant “and it was this person’s job to catch exactly the kind of fraud that Vashti is now blowing the whistle on. How that inspector did not catch the fraud is a mystery.” In a statement, Dalipsingh said she confronted her employers between January and April of this year, “and became more forceful” when she cancelled two shipments that she says were “deliberately and falsely labelled as organic.”

Court finds Canada Post can put boxes where it likes

An Ontario court has found that Canada Post’s authority to place mailboxes where they want trumps the jurisdiction of municipalities to have a say in the matter.. It is an old federal rule dating from the days when the mail was more important than anything the government did. And before mail boxes turned into super mailboxes, many of which are the size of a bus shelter. None of this mattered however to the judge who found that Canada Post was “entitled to make decisions which go to the benefit of its survival.” Hamilton and other cities across the country have been fighting the placement of these large installations under pressure from homeowners.

Mayor’s hybrid highway passes City Council by 24 to 21


Mayor John Tory has won a vote which paves the way for a so-called hybrid version of the Gardiner Expressway. Council was deeply split and the final division of 24 to 21 appears to reveal a downtown vs suburban split. The hybrid road requires a realignment of the roadway east of Jarvis Street to re-join the eastern portion of the expressway which leads to Scarborough. Most of the opposition to a Hybrid was in favour of removing the eastern piece of the Gardiner and building a “boulevard” and developed amenities. The version generally summoned up by this was gentrified commercial activity. This was the option favored by City Planner Jennifer Keesmaat. a vote on the boulevard  option failed 26 to 19. Analysis suggests that some supporters of the hybrid were not keen about but it voted to prevent further congestion — a  fearsome word at City Hall. There is nothing imminent about any of this. It may quite a few years before work begins on any option.

High court gives high sign to high cuisine with Mary Jane

The Supreme Court of Canada says its legal to consume marijuana for your health by way of home cooking as well as by smoking it  Like Brownies. Brownies are a sure cure for anything. As it stood,  the government had said that the use of the drug was legal only if it was smoked. The court took seriously the concern that smoking marijuana was not good for the lungs. Did the justices worry at all that marijuana Blondies or Lemon Squares may start to show up church fairs?  If they did, their ruminations are not recorded. Globe and Mail 

Northlea School students protest teacher work-to-rule


Northlea Public School students protesting Thursday, June 11, 2015

Students at Northlea Public School on Rumsey Road were protesting the elementary teachers work-to-rule outside the school today (Thursday, June 11,2015). The elementary teachers are refusing to prepare report cards and as a result parents will be denied a detailed description of how their kids did during the year. Instead, it appears they will receive a “pass or fail” letter. Twitter 

Parents applaud quick tweets that students were safe

bedford bus-2-w tweet Fast news can be good news, and tweets from the principal that your son or daughter is okay, is really good news. Parents of the 26 Bedford Park Public school kids on that New York excursion have expressed their appreciation to principal Kevin Battaglia for sending word back so quickly that everybody aboard their bus was okay. Battaglia and two teachers have the 26 in their care on a sightseeing tour of New York. The Guelph University Gryphons bus was rear-ended in the Lincoln Tunnel about 9.30 EDT., the same hour in both cities. After a quick check, Mr. Battaglia tweeted that there had been “a little excitement” on the bus. He explained the situation and kept the updates going. Parent Henda Bilhan tweeted her thanks. And Sandra Kalnins said: “Thank you Mr. B for keeping us informed and to both you and Mr. Norris for keeping the kids safe.”

Road to nowhere? Gardiner grandstand drama grinds on

There has been no conclusion reached and no vote taken on the future of the Gardiner Expressway. City Council has debated the matter all day. Demolish, Hybrid, Boulevard, Tunnel or keep it the same. There are large groups of Councillors supporting each of the Hybrid and Boulevard ideas. They seem to be weighted suburbs vs downtown respectively. There has been a lot grandstanding too with Councillors supporting one or none of the concepts wanting to score a point or two on the mayor. They do it again Thursday. All leads

West Coast Kids readying to move in at Moms-to-be site

west coast

Signs are up at the former Moms-to-be-and-more site at Bayview Ave. and Manor Rd. telling of the arrival of West Coast Kids. The chain of Canadian children’s stores will open its first shop in eastern Canada at this location. It is a  plus for shoppers and a boost for South Bayview.  An added plus will be the presence of Karen Becker, owner of Moms-to-be, as the manager of the new West Coast Kids location.  Karen Becker to run West Coast Kids on Bayview

Did Evan Solomon tattle on himself by telling his boss?

There is no way to know (at least not at the moment) but suspicion runs high among reporters that someone at the CBC told Kevin Donovan about the arrangement that Evan Solomon had to sell art to wealthy acquaintances he made through his job at the corporation. If Solomon may be believed, the number of “customers” in the matter is exactly two. They have been identified as former Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney and Jim Ballsillie, former head of Blackberry. Maybe they blabbed it all around but it doesn’t seem likely because as the story goes the customers didn’t even know about the rich commissions paid to Solomon  So how? Solomon has explained that he went to his employer earlier this year and confessed his secret business.


Oh oh. This is the CBC were talking about and such an admission in that nest of whisperers is probably a lot like going to the hospital and getting sick. Today (Wednesday, June 10, 2015) Donovan told Stephen LeDrew on CP24 that Solomon dissembled a bit when the Star’s scandal man put it to him. Then he came clean. LeDrew did not ask nor would Donovan have told him how he learned of the story. There would have been nothing wrong with asking. It is what people want to know. Maybe Donovan will say that it didn’t come from the CBC. LeDrew however probed the conscience of his sombre guest.  Donovan said (in a kind way) that he did not feel badly for those he exposed. It was they who were doing wrong, he said. He said he found it unfortunate (our word) that the CBC did not ask Solomon “the hard questions.”


That may have been a cheap one. Evan Solomon is not Jian Gomeshi  The fearsome fire of the Toronto Star no doubt spooked Solomon’s bosses. They had already bungled the Gomeshi affair so badly that a reprimand and warning, even to the immensely talented Evan Solomon, could not be contemplated. Make no mistake. Solomon’s judgement failed him badly. One supposes that $300,000 can fog the mind. Nonetheless, this is a transgression with no victim but Solomon.