The Bulldog

Yet more trolley folly as tracks buillt 4 inches too high


It must surely be the case that secretly the general manager of the TTC Andy Byford harbours a bitter resentment of Toronto’s ill-fated decision to become Streetcar City back in the 1970s. The use of this 19th century form of transportation has been the source of endless mistakes, delays and cost. Canadian streetcars that are built out of alignment, track work shutting down important commercial streets for weeks, grinding down miles of concrete right-of-way on St. Clair Ave to make the streetcars fit. Now it is revealed the Leslie Street track contractor, Pomerleau, has built the Leslie Street car tracks four inches too high. They will be torn up and opening of the street delayed two months.

MPP wants provincial standard for riding-sharing cabs


Michael Harris, MPP 

A Conservative MPP has tabled a motion calling for a provincial law to regulate so-called ride-sharing. It would apply to any company, including Uber, that wants to get into the taxi business in any community. The member, Michael Harris of Kitchener-Waterloo, said: “Consumers are driving this and government needs to get on board,” Michael Harris, MPP for Kitchener-Conestoga, said Thursday. “The province is changing and the laws need to evolved with it. It seems like a reasonable idea. It might not have been needed if riding-sharing had been introduced in a different way. But, as evidence from all over the world has shown, Uber is a renegade operator. It arrives, sets up and begins operation in total disregard of the law and in the beginning, it even tried to pretend  that it  was not in the taxi business.


Wards 26, 27 votes would benefit from ranked ballots

The Ontario government says it will amend the Ontario Elections Act to permit municipalities to use so-called ranked ballots in the next municipal elections in 2018. It is a process that has promise to end the frequent election of minority-vote candidates in Toronto Wards such as #26, #27 and others. Such balloting permits first and second choice for an elector. This process results in a winner who has a majority of the votes and tends to blunt the impact of electoral slates with 15 or more candidates This type of result is common in Toronto as well as Ontario elections and can result in the election of a candidate with less than 30  percent of the vote. The Ontario announcement does not mean the City is required to adopt ranked balloting  It will require City Council to vote for such a reform in the near future for the change to be ready for 2018.

Toronto woman says she found beetle in organic salad


Erin Cameron

A Toronto woman, Erin Cameron, says found a beetle buried in the lettuce of an organic salad she purchased at the Loblaws at Portland and Queen Streets in the City.  “I took a scoop, just with my hands, of the lettuce, and put it into my bowl,” she recalls. “Right away I noticed there was a giant bug inside … and I kind of freaked out”. Cameron says she also discovered by looking  online that the creature appears to be a so-called Blister Beetles that may be lethal to animals when eaten.  This story was originated by the CBC which obtained an email saying the company had been in contact with Ms. Cameron.

Mayor’s cricket tourney Saturday at Sunnybrook Park

The Mayor’s School Cricket Tournament will take place Saturday, May 30. 2015 at Sunnybrook Park on the north pitch at 1132 Leslie Street. Ceremonial remarks by Mr. Tory and others will be given at 9.30 a.m.  Also present will be Martin Saxton, Chair of Canadian Institute of Management Accounts, which sponsors the event. Also present will be Raza Hasan, Vice President of CIBC (winner gets the CIBC trophy)  and Donna Quan, Director of the Toronto and District School Board.

Sherwood Park ratepayers hold annual general meeting

The Sherwood Park Residents’ Association annual general meeting was held Wednesday night at The Sherwood, a residence for seniors, on Yonge St  north of Sherwood Ave. The meeting reviewed as many as five developments in the neighborhood including efforts by homeowners on Keewatin Avenue to stop multiple unit developments at 200-214 Keewatin which they feel will change the neighborhood’s density.

Councillor Jaye Robinson said she had spoken with the developer and directed him to stop sending letters to elderly residents. This  was being done, as she believed, to frighten them and cause them to move out. “I don’t know whether he will stop, but I told him to” Ms Robinson said.

The Councillor is head of the public works and infrastructure committee. She offered a cautious but positive response on whether there would be room on streets like Eglinton for all the amenities listed on planning wish lists: wide sidewalks, benches, trees, bicycle lanes and racks, street parking and multiple lanes of traffic. In all of this, congestion had to be avoided, she declared.

There was extended discussion of the Ontario Municipal Board and the view held at City Hall (and by herself) that Toronto would be better off without it. She noted however that Toronto is the creature of the Province, and has no leverage against the OMB. The Committee of Adjustment will shortly be supplemented with an appeal body of some type, presumably to deflect reference away from the OMB.

SPRA president Ben Daube offered a view that it was better to try to work with the developers than focus on the OMB. Among items updated for the meeting was 1860 Bayview where the new Whole Foods is being built. Residents of Rappert Ave. behind the development have approved the brick which will form a separating wall between their cul-de-sac and the shopping centre. The south wall of the development has been moved north permitting wider sidewalks and a better view east toward Bayview.

Pan Am Games stunt as man parachutes off CN Tower


People downtown have been a little surprised to see a plucky parachutist come shooting off the CN Tower this week. He did again Wednesday a couple of times. Whether driving, sitting on a train, in an office or just looking up — citizens have been engaged by the sudden appearance of the chutist. Passing commuters were startled by the jump, taking to social media to question what they saw. “Did anyone… just see the dude in the parachute near the CN Tower?? What the what?!” one person wrote on Twitter. The jumps are part of a promotional video for the 2015 Toronto Pan Am and Parapan Am Games, though organizers did not provide many details. The parachutist leaped from the deck where the EdgeWalk takes place, at a height of 342 metres. The Pan Am jumper is only the third known to have parachuted from the tower. Stuntman Dar Robinson jumped off the edge for a movie shoot in 1979, serving as Christopher Plummer’s stunt double in “Highpoint.” Four years before the movie shoot, steelworker William Eustace leapt off the tower, which was still under construction, in 1974.  Mr. Eustace, a true leader, was charged under the federal Aeronautics Act and fined $50.

CBC uses tweet that inserts race into density issue

A CBC story by writer Jonathon Ore provides a number of examples of people who are commenting on Twitter about  the group known as Density Creep Neighborhood Alliance. They are protesting redevelopment of single family homes on Keewatin Ave. The tweet is offered as an example by Mr. Ore. She wrote that the Toronto Star article which described the issue could be summarized  as “Rich, white people worried about not-so-rich white people moving into their area.”  There is no evidence offered that the density protesters are white, or of any specific race. Mr. Ore passes over this remarkable insertion of race without comment. There are references to NIMBYism (not in my backyard). NIMBYism is legal of course and widely practiced by homeowners (white and otherwise) who are opposed to everything from new highways to a next-door driveway. One can see why it’s not illegal. CBC

King and Queen of Netherlands in Toronto May 29

Mayor John Tory, Deputy Mayor Pam McConnell and City staff will welcome King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima on their state visit to Canada. During the visit, Mayor Tory will accept the gift to the City of Toronto of seven Tulpi-chairs designed by Dutch designer, Marco Manders, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands by the Canadian Army in the Second World War. A ceremony will take place at Centre Island Docks on Friday, May 29 at  4:15 with remarks being made at 4:20 p.m.

Pro soccer’s world-wide castle of corruption falling down

BBC video shows FIFA communications director Walter De Gregorio doing what some are calling “damage control.”  The wretched 20-history of payoffs and improbable showcases for soccer (Russia, Qatar) seems to be coming to an end. Many of the officials indicated today have admitted schemes to enrich themselves. Others seem to be waiting in their offices for the axe to fall. Mirror UK  See below