The Bulldog

Rogers cutting OMNI news and 100 jobs at TV operations


OMNI satellite farm on Lakeshore Rd roof

A stunning collapse in revenue in just a year or two at Rogers Media has put OMNI-TV in a financial crisis The foreign language-newscasts once watched so faithfully by diaspora populations in Toronto are being knocked out by the digital invasion of broadcasts from “back home.” About a 100 positions from conventional TV operations, many at CITY TV, will be cut.  CITY has gone from being the darling of local news addicts to something of a forgotten man among Toronto television stations. The proud cry of Everywhere! has been silenced by the CTV takeover of an all-news license now known as CP24. Things are apparently no better in the west.  The multilingual stations air news in Cantonese, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Italian. They have faced increasing pressure from newscasts originating abroad. The Rogers Media unit of Toronto-based Rogers Communications Inc. lost $85.8-million before interest and taxes in its conventional TV operations last year, according to documents filed with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. That was more than half of the $138-million in total losses suffered by Canada’s privately owned conventional TV stations last year, up sharply from $2-million in losses in 2013.


Uber taxi: The problem is not the technology, it’s Uber

Ann Hui writes Thursday in the Globe and Mail that two former strategists for Mayor John Tory have been hired by Uber Taxi to advance its position in Toronto. They are Nick Kouvalis and John Duffy. It is not clear what should be made of this although it is worth knowing. Uber has now said it will apply for a taxi license in Toronto. If Uber got the idea from Kouvalis and Duffy good for them. It makes the point however that Uber couldn’t figure this out itself. Uber must also deal with legal action from the city requiring it to obey the law. And this is exactly the issue. Everywhere it goes around the world, Uber leaves a trail of disregard for the law and an apparently insatiable need to operate like some sort of privileged Ubermensch. Drivers who are not trained, cars not insured, fares that can leap into the stratosphere when it rains. Uber even tried to pretend that it wasn’t selling a taxi service.  What bunk. Mayor Tory’s remarks seem to focus on the inevitable march of technology. But the problem is not technology. It is Uber. Technology is just technology. Uber has left an international trail of anger and resistance that makes trust almost impossible. It’s not the imagination of Councillor Jim Karygiannis and others that there is a problem.

Van plunges through wall at Green P lot on Merton

garage-two-w inset

There was a bit of a misstep today when a van plunged through a wall at the Merton Street Green P garage. Somehow the vehicle slammed through the concrete blocks at a right angle even though it appears to have been 10 feet from the driveway. Oh well. Inset we see some people talking about what happened. No injuries apparently The lot is a popular one for shoppers at the Ethan Allen gallery and medical patients at 1867 Yonge Street.

OSSTF has the Government sitting in the dunce chair

The education minister’s performance in the Legislature today was sad. Liz Sandals had no answer for the OSSTF’s strategy of surprise drone strikes. Like the premier, she was confessing to the Opposition an utter lack of knowledge of why things are so out of control. She did not know why the unions were striking, she said.  But they are and they are doing it with a finesse that puts the Government of Ontario in the dunce chair, and incidentally, delivers a whipping to parents and children. It is every individual’s right we suppose to behave like a stevedore on the picket line, hooting like a hooligan. It’s just that we find it hard to think about teachers that way. Each passing day of their services withheld is a day lost in the early learning of these young people. And the reasons given for this are things like dissatisfaction with the way teachers are evaluated. It is scandalous and unacceptable. The government must find the backbone to impose its authority in a way that restores order out of this chaos.

Board of Leaside Memorial Gardens Arena appointed

Nine people have been appointed to the board of the Leaside Memorial Gardens Arena at a recent meeting of the North York Community Council. The appointments are effective and dependent on the continuing pleasure of City Council through to the end of 2016. Well known names will be seen: Elaine Snider, Raymond White, Cheryl Bannier , Janice Ivory-Smith, Ann Brown, Julie Brown, Jeff Dover, Adam Gordon, John Masterson

Easy question: Is Civic election campaign too long?

Mainstreet Technologies has produced a local poll about the Civic election process. It is notable for the question which asks if local campaigns are too long. (Gosh do you think so?)  What’s not said is why people feel so pummeled. The drum beat of 24-hour news, which lives largely by news conferences, and social media. It is another case where the media is seen to be oblivious to its influence. The effect has evolved. Great metropolitan newspapers like the Star have been propping up and knocking down issues as a source of interest for decades.without much (any?) acknowledgement that this is their business.  CP24