The Bulldog

Life in the Big City: Teen shot and Chief beset on carding


Town houses on Empringham

On a day when the new Police Chief, Mark Saunders, met with members of the African Canadian Summit there was a sniper-type shooting in the Malvern neighborhood of Scarborough. Call it life in the Big City. A boy, 15, who is being stone cold silent with the cops about who shot him was hit in a leg. Police are looking for suspects in the drive-by gun play. It happened near some town houses on Empringham Drive. The shooters didn’t even bother to get out their black car. It is assumed they know the injured youth. Back at the African Summit, Chief Saunders was assailed for saying that the elimination of the practice of carding is not the answer to safer streets and in fact, said the chief, it would lead to more crime. These remarks set fire to a tinderbox of anger about racism and human rights at the Summit. As is frequently the case, there was no  reportage today about whether carding as it practiced by the Toronto Police actually works, although the chief seems to think that it does.

Spring Into Action Walk and Run is Saturday, May 2

The 10th Annual Spring Into Action Walk and Run for diabetes will jump off from Sunnybrook Park Saturday, May, 2, 2015. There are several events — a 2k run for kids and 5 and 10k for grownups. It is a thoroughgoing workout. Registration is at 9 a.m. and Yoga between 9 and 10 a.m. The walks and runs begin at 9.50 a.m.   There is a post-run BBQ beginning at 11 a.m.  There are kids activities, stretch station, Spring Sunrise Yoga Wake-up, energizing warm-up, vendor marketplace, gift bags, Car Displays, BBQ, Popcorn Machine, Food & Refreshments, Vendor Market, Medals, Trophy, Photo Booth, Rest Area, Live Music, Entertainment, Henna, Face Painting, Kids Zone and Bouncy Castle. Also, Menchie Mascot, Fresh Juices, O Canada, Group Portrait Start Line. This year again organizers will be using Chip-Time technology.  This technology records accurate race time.

Premier Wynne meets with OPP about Sudbury byelection

Premier Kathleen Wynne met with the OPP today about allegations of bribery in the Sudbury byelection Her office issued a statement from the premier’s office says that Wynne cooperated with police and that her answers were consistent with public statements she’s already made. The OPP’s anti-rackets squad is investigating whether Wynne’s deputy chief of staff Pat Sorbara and Sudbury Liberal fundraiser Gerry Lougheed offered a former candidate Andrew Olivier a job in exchange for not seeking the Liberal nomination.

Wynne cabinet to study what Ontario Pension will cost

The Ontario Finance Ministry will conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the province’s proposed supplemental defined benefit plan as part of a bill approved Wednesday (April 29, 2015) by the Ontario Legislature. The bill forms the administrative foundation of the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan, which is expected to begin in January 2017. ORPP would be a supplement to the C$238.8 billion ($194.9 billion) Canada Pension Plan, Ottawa.  The cost-benefit analysis must be submitted to the provincial Legislature by December 31, 2015 according to the bill. The analysis will presumably inform the government and the public on just how much a plan will cost. The idea of an Ontario Pension is popular with some wage earners but feared by business as another slush fund for spending. The story is in Pensions and Investments, a publication of the U.S-based specialty publisher Crain.


Bennington Rolph Road soccer looking to Fall 2015 season


Bennington Rolph Road Soccer Association is accepting registrations for September 2015. While the Fall may seem a long way off, the league needs the lead time to ensure it orders adequate uniforms and rent sufficient field space. BRRSA is a community-based volunteer-run soccer house league for girls and boys aged five to 13 years, a great league for those who aren’t available for summer soccer! The season runs for six weeks in the fall, starting the first week of school. A tournament is held for all but the youngest age group at the end of the regular season. Games are played on the school fields at Rolph Road and Bennington Heights. The league is run completely by volunteers and is not-for-profit. The deadline for registrations is June 19th. Visit the league’s website for more info and to register:

Orioles vs Sox in empty stadium as sirens wail in distance

It was a perfect day for a baseball game today but there was nobody in the stands in Baltimore today when the Orioles played the Chicago White Sox. Why? The police effort required to secure fans in the stadium would have placed too great a stress on hard-pressed officers dealing with the downtown rioting. They say the atmosphere was eerie as the lonely crack of the bat contrasted silence in the park and emergency sirens in the distance. New York Times.

Catholic school girls hockey tourney sees 140 jills on ice


Mary Baker, Kathy Banfield, Ellen Lowden

The Toronto District Catholic School Board girls hockey tournament has been completed at the two-pad Don Montgomery Recreation Centre in Scarborough with young players from all over the City on hand.  There were many recognizable faces from Wildcats hockey. The all-day event enfolded 140 girls from 28 schools and we see the puck dropped (top) by Ellen Lowden, event chief and Kathy Baker, Canadian Olympic field hockey player and Pan Am torch carrier. Ellen Lowden reports that championship game was between the suitably-named Hayley Wickenheiser team (with a roster of 16 from Father Serra, All Saints, St. Benedict, St Elizabeth, Our Lady of Victory and St. John XXIII) and the Marie Phillip Poulin team made up of Our Lady of Sorrows squad with 19 players. Our Lady of Sorrows won 2-1. Good game. Medals were awarded and there was much bragging, it’s reported. Bulldog readers will have seen the earlier post about Mrs. Lowden and her interesting girl’s hockey clothes company called Goldiegear. Bottom picture shows organizing friends Mary Baker, Kathy Banfield, principal of Blessed Sacrament School, and Ellen Lowden.