The Bulldog

“Apple to fix its maps by changing the world”


Jesters at the Onion satirical magazine say Apple’s blunder-filled map of Canada will be easy to fix. It says the Cupertino, California electronics giant will simply re-arrange the face of the earth to make it conform to its otherwise deranged maps. All this as Apple botches a map of the True North, mainly by placing Ottawa on a harbour 25 miles from Oakville. Toronto sits uncomfortably on the Rideau River. But says the Onion, all of this and much more will be put right. It says there are plans at Apple to move London, England to North America. Hadn’t heard about that one. The last time Apple tried mapping things was to squeeze Google maps out of the iPhone. The catastrophe that followed resulted in the firing of a vice-president.   

Mustard Academy kindergarten rocks Thorncliffe

The Fraser Mustard Early Learning Academy on Thorncliffe Park Drive is going full tilt these days with nearly 700 kids enrolled in all-day kindergarten. It is year two for the ambitious program of education and integration. As reported last year by the South Bayview Bulldog, the Mustard Academy embraces children of dozens of ethnic extractions. The photo captures above are from a worthy video by CBC news which may be seen here

Instant poll: Tory 41, Doug Ford 34, Chow 19

An instant poll done Friday evening has shown that Doug Ford is apparently a contender for mayor. The Forum poll was commissioned by CityNews and the Toronto Star. It shows Doug Ford with 34 percent of public support, a number better than the last level shown by his brother. Rob Ford had 28 per cent in the last Forum poll.  John Tory lengthened his lead slightly showing 41 per cent (up from 40).  Olivia Chow registered 19 percent. 

Oct 27 vote cannot be a brother’s wish foundation

How must we understand the moving scene outside the Etobicoke home of Doug Ford’s mom this evening? The newly-declared candidate for mayor, Rob Ford’s older brother, spoke with a cracking voice about fulfilling Rob Ford’s mission at City Hall, We heard about the plea of a sick man to enlist his brother to somehow prevent a return to the municipal bad old days. No one need feel cynical about the amazing scenario that unfolded there. We believe it was all sincere. Taking it as it seems to have been intended, however, it is absolutely no basis on which to cast a vote for mayor. Doug Ford’s speech this evening saw the public coupling of  the mayor’s illness with the political aspirations of two brothers. However much one’s heart may go out to the mayor and his family in this time of difficulty electors must have the strength of mind to reject voting for Mr. Ford out of sympathy. Sympathy is no basis on which to choose a mayor. Unfortunately, however unwittingly this context was created, large parts of it are located in the thoroughly hard-headed realm of the public good. We hope that Doug  Ford will not turn his campaign into a kind of wish foundation for his sick brother.

Chow and Tory respond to Doug Ford candidacy

In responding to Doug Ford’s candidacy for mayor, Olivia Chow said her thoughts were with Rob Ford and the family. She remembered when he supported her at the time of her husband’s death. For his part, John Tory advised voters not to vote for another Ford. Tory said Doug Ford has repeatedly put down other members of council. He said one Ford was as divisive as another. Chow and Tory found themselves where few candidates wish to be. They were required to deal with the excitement generated by Doug Ford’s surprise entry into the mayoralty. The first public opinion polls to come out of today’s events will have an important psychological impact on where the campaign might go.  If Tory is able to retain his large lead in the face of the Ford frenzy — as much as 40 percent in past polling — he will be very hard to beat. 

Your candidates for Toronto mayor as of 2 p.m.

Say hello to your new mayoral slate. And get ready for a brutal six-week campaign charged with some campaign chemistry seldom seen in Toronto politics. Can John Tory continue to be seen as the only acceptable choice for mayor? Will his sober and friendly approach to politics win enough hearts and minds? As of this week, he stood at 40 percent in public support. But with Rob Ford out of the race, and sick into the bargain, will his brother, Doug, launch furious in-fighting to change that. Will he, of all things, extract a sympathy vote because of his brother’s illness? Will Olivia Chow stay in the race? In what seems an unlikely inversion of sentiment, the John Tory campaign may not want her out. Sure, she is not likely to win, but at the least she will draw fire if she is in the race. The chemical cocktail may put electors flat on their backs. The polling has already begun 

Doug Ford will run for mayor in brother’s place

Dramatic moments at the City Hall nominations office as Jeff Silverstein, the mayor’s assistant, withdraws the mayor’s name from the ballot and adds the name of Mr. Ford’s brother, Doug. All this with less than an hour to remain before the deadline to file, It is also confirmed that Rob Ford will run for council in Etobicoke Ward 2. It is a ward the Rob Ford held for years and seems like a certainty for him to win again, notwithstanding his illness. Silverstein was saying only “We will be making a statement later today.”