The Bulldog

Ching! Dollarama Q2 profit soars 15 per cent

You little money maker
Dollarama reported a 15 percent rise in quarterly profit as both new stores and spendy customers added to the bottom line. Any casual observer of the little Bayview Ave. store can tell Dollarama is busy. Company net income rose to C$68.9 million ($62.6 million) or C$1.03 per share in the second quarter ended Aug. 3 from C$59.8 million, or 82 Canadian cents per share, a year earlier. Revenue rose 12 percent to C$572.6 million. The company also said it would issue as dividend one share for each share held.”The progress we are making in our financial results is directly attributable to our continued focus on organic growth in the Canadian market with the opening of 89 net new stores over the past twelve months and our objective of improving the operational effectiveness and efficiency of our business. With the opening of 43 net new stores so far in Fiscal 2015, we are on target to expand our store network across Canada by 70 to 80 net new stores this year,” stated Larry Rossy, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Dollarama.

Gates Foundation gives $50 million to fight Ebola

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says it will  spend $50 million US to support the emergency response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, marking the group’s largest donation to a humanitarian effort. “It became clear to us over the last seven to 10 days that the pace and scope of the epidemic was increasing significantly,” Chris Elias, president of global development for the world’s largest charitable foundation, told The Associated Press.

Rob Ford admitted to hospital with “tumour”

Rob Ford has been diagnosed with a tumour after seeking treatment for “unbearable” abdominal pain. in the lower left quadrant of his body. Dr. Rueben Devlin at Humber River Hospital says a CT scan brought physicians to the “working diagnosis of a tumour” today. In other words, it must be established if there is in fact a tumour and its condition — benign or cancerous. Ford’s brother, Councillor Doug Ford, says the mayor is “in good spirits.” The mayor will be kept in the hospital over the next few days as tests are conducted to determine more details about the tumour. The illness comes at a critical moment in the campaign for mayor. The nomination day deadline for adding or removing names from the ballot is Friday, September 12, 2014.  The mayor’s legal counsel, Desmond Morris, said that he was with the mayor in recent days and he seemed to be in great spirit.  Canadian Press    Tell-all book by former aide out days before the election. 

Tyson heaps abuse on TV’s Nathan Downer

Tyson and below Downer

Boxer Mike Tyson launched into an abusive attack on CP24 host Nathan Downer of CP24 Wednesday afternoon (September 10, 2014). Downer was hosting as Tyson (top inset) and a handler type arrived at the station to talk about the boxer’s one-man show “The Undisputed Truth” at the Air Canada Centre. The normally mild-mannered Downer started off by asking Tyson whether his endorsement of Mayor Ford yesterday might not actually hurt Ford since Tyson is a convicted rapist. “Some of your critics would say, ‘There’s a race for mayor. We know you’re a convicted rapist. This could hurt his (Ford’s) campaign.’ What would you say to that?” “It’s so interesting, you come off like a nice guy,” Tyson responded, “but that was really a piece of s—, that comment. F— you.” From there on Tyson unloaded epithets of the piece of s—” kind on Downer.  When Downer attempted to deflect the insults, he just got more. The same “piece of…” slur came when Downer asked Tyson whether it was more difficult being in a fight match or performing. Tyson told the CP24 host that the worst was being there with him. Comments on YouTube accompanying the video below reveal a range of reaction to the tirade. Some feel Downer’s question was badly put, although there aren’t too many ways to call a person a rapist. The notorious boxer visited Mayor Ford yesterday at City Hall to declare him the best mayor the city has ever had. The occasion prompted a series of news stories linkable on Google in which the boxer’s criminal record was mentioned. Tyson has been convicted of rape and is said to have bitten off an opponent’s ear during a fight, Video may be offensive to some. 

Rolph addition houses kindergarten classes

Residents of the Rolph Road area who have wondered all summer just what was being built at the public school will be interested to know that the new addition at the north end of the building accommodates three classes of all-day kindergarten. Michael Kennedy, principal of Rolph Road, explains that there are three classes of kindergartners comprising some 32 kids. Each class has two teachers. In all, Rolph is educating some 408 pupils this year from kindergarten to Grade 6.  Rolph Road School was built in 1939 and this October celebrates 75 years with a grand celebration. Check it out.

Is Google thumbing its nose at road safety?

Is Google thumbing its nose at traffic safety? Sensible people all over the world are trying to keep drivers from killing themselves — and others — by making it illegal to use electronic devices on the road. It may not be too pointed a question. The new Apple watch will make it possible for drivers to surreptitiously watch video, send mail and just generally goof off from the boring task of driving while they play with their watches. 

Soknacki out! Can Olivia Chow be far behind?

Must ponder her duty

It was a tip-off in full-colour when David Soknacki begged off a mayoral debate “to celebrate his 60th birthday”. Sure. Tonight the affable thinker and distinct also-ran candidate for mayor said he will in fact drop out of the race. And as she sinks to third in the Tory, Ford, Chow field, the aubergine and yellow candidate of women and the poor must also be thinking about calling it a day. The sincerity of her  professed love of the city will be tested in the days to come as she hears the political truth. Yes, she is in third spot without a lot of traction. And critically, she risks helping Rob Ford defeat John Tory. It is a sobering burden for this adopted daughter of Canada’s largest city and she will have to ponder her duty well.  

Tory produces a show-and-tell like none other

Click to visit new website

John Tory has launched a website which may go down as the slickest piece of political show and tell so far produced in a Canadian election. The interactive site permits users to pick two spots on the transit system — say Agincourt and Union Station. Up come two boxes showing how much time the rider will save if Tory’s Smart Track conversion of the GO track is completed. Another box cleverly lists in distressing detail all the many buses and trains a rider would have to take in order to do the same distance without Smart Track  Today, Olivia Chow planted herself on the right of way for Smart Track and warned the scheme would never work without costly tunnelling. Tory has denied he ever said there would be absolutely no tunneling and he accuses of Chow of a desperate distortion. 

September evening medley in South Bayview

Otta Zapotocky has reason to smile as his new wine bar venture Tinto Bar de Tapas at 1581 Bayview Ave. is super busy. Here we catch the maestro at the bar. On Heath Street East just off of Welland Ave. in Moore Park, the little sign tells the story. The former home of journalist Peter Worthington will be demolished and replaced by a new three-story structure. And you must look closely but those are hula hoop-adept water babies (or other name) on top of a school bus in the window of Bonnie Byford Real Estate at 1536 Bayview.   

Metro grocery fully refurbished and worth a look

The Metro at Bayview Ave. and Eglinton Ave E. has just undergone a major renovation — a job that took close to a year to finish up everything. Saturday they held a grand opening but if you haven’t been into the store recently you really should take a look. The store has been refurbished to meet the demands and expectations of Leaside community They call it the jewel of food stores in the community And thanks to Nik‎olaos Manos,  Project Manager and Leaside resident, for the reminder.