The Bulldog

Patients escape death, injury in criminal attack at hospital

Computer criminals have attacked and shut down the digital communication system at Humber River Hospital. The hospital says it is restoring computers and hospital staff is carrying on. Such attacks are usually accompanied by demands for a Bitcoin ransom but nothing has so far been mentioned by the hospital about this. Cyberattacks at a hospital have the potential to kill a patient or patients. Humber River says the hospital’s information technology system was impacted around 2 a.m. Monday. In a statement posted online Tuesday afternoon, the hospital said “no confidential information was released” and the attack was “discovered almost immediately.” All of its IT systems were shut down, including the one for patient health records.

Grad cake shock (yum) plus local things you want to know

It seems that Leaside’s Christina Hotton makes the most astounding cakes including a graduation stunner that impressed this young lady. See the video on Facebook. Upper right, Conspiracy Pizza is open at the former Shoeless Joe’s location at 856 Eglinton East. These poetic pizza makers say that like sunflowers, pepperoni follows the sun as it travels through the sky. Hey, all good by the Bulldog. At centre right is the St. Cuthbert’s stone fence as snapped by Rudy Limeback in commemoration of Indigenous dead. Lower left, MP Rob Oliphant posted this shot of the Pride Toronto team with gift bags for Bayview Ave shoppers. At bottom right is the great Leaside Pub with a reminder that the patio is open.


Shirley Breen takes position with downtown BMO branch

Shirley Breen, a much-liked and active personality in the Mt. Pleasant Rd. business community, has joined the Bank of Montreal as manager at the King St. E and Church St. branch. Shirley was manager of the Meridian Trust outlet at 690 Mt. Pleasant when it opened in 2017. She was transferred in 2019 to another Meridian branch but continued to be active on the volunteer board of the Mount Pleasant Village BIA until her appointment to BMO.

Stores reopen but lineups make shopping far from normal

Yes, Ontario is on its way back to normal but it was a long way from there on the first day of non-essential stores reopening. Here’s the long lineups at Marshalls and Winners. They are always a fun visit but there was no whizzing in and out for a quick look on Friday