Category: Uncategorized

Tim’s manager remanded in $200,000 coffee money skim

She worked at the Brant Street Tim Hortons near Upper Middle Rd. in Burlington since 2007 but now Mariel Abejero, 42, stands accused of skimming $200,000 from her employer in the 18 month period from January 2014 to May 2015. That’s more than  $350 a day on average. Hamilton police were rather surprised at the sum of money which was discovered gone when Tim Horton’s did an audit of the store. “The value is quite high, not something we see every day,” said Sgt Ron Hansen. None of the cash has been found.

Men in big hats: Calgary celebrates Canada’s old west

hats Canada’s political leaders were decked out in cowboy hats yesterday for the Stampede Parade through downtown Calgary. Local dignitaries like Premier Notely and Mayor Naheed Nenshi rode horses in the parade. An estimated 200,000 people watched the parade which begins the Stampede. It lasts until July 12, 2015. Some 700 horses and 4,000 people participated variously in the parade, which was led by a hometown girl, two-time Olympic gold medalist and bobsledder Kaillie Humphries.

Loblaws makes new offer, strike deadline goes to July 11

Loblaws has reached an arrangement to delay a strike deadline for its Toronto stores from tomorrow (July 5, 2015) to  Saturday, July 11, 2015. The changes come after two days of negotiations that amended the Loblaws offer to workers of local 1000A. These include stores in South Bayview on Moore Ave and Redway  Rd. The local said it believes “it’s important for our members to have the opportunity to examine and vote on the amended offer.” The  votes are scheduled across the province from July 5 to July 8.

Uber doesn’t fit City definition of a taxi company says judge

It is a nicely developed point that Justice Sean Dunphy has used to shoot down the City’s attempt to control Uber taxi. The judge has concluded Uber isn’t enough like a taxi company as described by City Council to permit him to say it has violated any rules. Could be, but it is a fact as plain as sunrise that Uber is making money from unregulated drivers in uninsured cars and that the safety of women in a concern. Mayor Tory has a sadly benign view of Uber (the company rather than the technology). Even so, the City should renew its efforts to make sure vehicles offering “taxi” service are safe to ride in the public’s estimation. Globe and Mail 

Lowes goes to ground with “strict privacy” about leases

Sylvain Prud’homme

Lowe’s has gone to ground like a fox at the sound of the huntsman’s horn. A reply to repeated inquiries about May’s much ballyhooed announcement that it purchased 13 Target leases across Canada is now being met with stern advice about “strict privacy policies” that prevent “any information other than what is available on due to competitive reasons”.  We assume the president of Lowes Canada Sylvaine Prud’homme is out of the office until Monday although he isn’t likely to be taking our calls in any case. Maybe someone else who is sensible will review this matter next week. Readers have been asking if the empty Target premises at East York Town Centre is one of the locations that Lowes has acquired.

Five bomb threats: WestJet case needs profile of perpetrator

Cops are reaching for the criminal profiling handbook today as they try to figure out who is sending bomb threats to WestJet airlines. Speaking on the  CBC, some experienced sleuths think the best way to catch this person is to work backwards through the ranks of WestJet staff and former staff, as well as disgruntled customers. For the fifth time in less than one week, there has been a bomb threat on the airline. The latest was Thursday afternoon as a plane made its way from Las Vegas to Victoria.