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LHS alumnus Ben Carlson playing opposite wife Deborah

ben couple

LHS alumnus Ben Carlson is starring in “The Taming of the Shrew” at Stratford this season oppposite his real life wife, Deborah Hay. The pairing on stage has persuaded many former Leaside High classmates of Ben and other friends to make a trip to see the play. Ben has played Hamlet, Macbeth, Brutus and other roles in Chicago and Stratford.

What? Hydro pole out front of home that didn’t have one


Bloor West Village home gets unexpected hydro pole

As contractors to Toronto Hydro work across South Bayview installing new poles, an incident in west end Toronto has raised an issue that many homeowners fear. It’s the sudden appearance of a hydro pole in front of the house which was bought partly at least because it didn’t have one. It’s a fact that some find a home more valuable without  a pole and/or fire hydrant out front. In this case, Hydro installed the pole in December, about a year after the utility warned residents that such a pole could be installed. Nevertheless, the family said they didn’t know until the pole arrived. They bought their house more than three years ago and would like the city to move the pole six feet over so it’s between their property and the adjacent one. But Toronto Hydro says that’s difficult to do for safety and technical reasons. The is in Bloor West Village which is an established neighbourhood where the location of poles would have been fixed years ago. This is the case in Davisville Village, Moore Park and other South Bayview areas getting new poles. No reason has been offered why hydro needed an additional pole after years of delivering electrical service without it.


Loblaws contract with food workers expires July 1, 2015

The contract binding thousands of Loblaws workers from across Ontario expires Wednesday, July 1. 2015. This is Canada and the grocery chain will be closed in any case. Nor is there any certainty the strike will necessarily occur that week. It is known however that members of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1000A have been asked to make themselves available for picket line training. The union represents 28,000 grocery store workers across the province. According to the statement on their website, the union plans to reach out to the company in an effort to return to the bargaining table.

Greece on the brink as Tsipras refuses Europe’s demands

Greece stumbled closer to default as another day of negotiations ended in the early hours without a deal to end the standoff over bailout aid. With the Greek government saying it held firm in the flurry of meetings in Brussels on Wednesday, European Union officials said the talks yielded little progress and no breakthrough was in sight. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the heads of the three creditor institutions agreed to reconvene first thing on Thursday after a few hours’ sleep  Bloomberg 

Celestin to open small butcher shop in its adjoining space

Celestin, James Bailey’s estimable restaurant at Mt. Pleasant Rd and Manor Rd. will open a small butcher shop in the space adjoining the restaurant on Mt. Pleasant. It is said to be the project of his brother Ivan Tarona. For many years this space was a bakery. Today (Wednesday, June 24, 2015) Celestin was serving its Restaurantacular fare out of the space. As usual for this annual snacking event, Celestin offered $2 oysters on the half shell. There was also a delicious freshly-made porchetta to be had on a slider bun for $4. According to a source at Celestin, the new butcher shop should be open within about a month. It will be a nice addition to Mt. Pleasant.