Category: Uncategorized

German cops using (Oh dear) kettling on G-7 demonstrators

The leaders of the G-7 are comfortable in a quaint Bavarian Alps castle-hotel today while demonstrators chanting “revolution” are bottled up by German police wherever the cops find them. CNN’s Karl Penhaul shows some of the unhappy campers surrounded (kettled?) by the cops. As usual, it is all about the demonstrators. The media doesn’t even make an attempt any more to say why the protesters are there. Perhaps it’s for a day or two in the country. Much nicer setting to keep people kettled however than Adelaide Street.

Uber fares through roof as usual in midst of TTC despair

Service is has now resumed after a 90-minute stoppage because it was not safe to operate. Commuters were left in the rain as the TTC was caught flatfooted.  Thousands of riders were stranded by the “major communication issue.” Chief general manager Andy Byford said the entire subway network lost radio communication at around 6:30 a.m. ET, and the backup system didn’t kick in. Shuttle buses didn’t run during the service suspension, because it wasn’t possible to replace the entire subway’s capacity with buses, Ross said. During the peak of the service outage, Toronto taxi companies sent cars to transit stations throughout the city, however many commuters told CBC News that they were still unable to find an empty car. Similarly, the ride-sharing service Uber was charging fares several times the average of a normal morning.  Globe and Mail   John Tory on Twitter

Mother and wife, 76, just too dangerous to visit her family

It’s a bitter way to end a life. A 76-year-old woman is denied a chance to visit with her husband and son because authorities have concluded she is just too dangerous. That’s the verdict of Corrections Canada on Jean Ann James.  Now in the Fraser Valley Institution, she was convicted in 2011 of the gory torture slaying of her husband’s suspected lover, Gladys Wakabayashi. Wakabayashi was the daughter of a Taiwanese billionaire. Her bloody body was found with slashes on her legs and her throat sliced open. The convicted Ms. James says she desperately wants to be able to enjoy private family visits with her husband and adult son. Curiously, the two men are said to believe James is innocent of the crime, a fact that the authorities say they have noted. The evidence at trial included a recorded confession. The prison alleges that the woman has tried to poison one inmate and take out a contract on another.  The elderly convict denies all the allegations against her and has asked the Federal Court for a review of the refusal to allow her private time with her mate of 40 years. James will be 94 when she is eligible for parole.

Hydro showed outage in lower Ward 25, north of Broadway

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Over the dinner hour on Sunday, June 7, 2015, the Toronto Hydro outage map showed an outage in South Bayview. It ran north from Broadway Ave and Blythwood Rd., west of Bayview over to Yonge, up the uneven northeast boundary formed by the Don River ravine.  It included York campus at the end of Lawrence E. The outage map said that fewer that  50 customers were effected by this outage so something, the map or the statistic, seemed a bit out of whack. A lot of territory includes Mt. Hope Cemetery. and Sherwood Park. It appears that Sunnybrook Hospital was on its alternative power supply briefly as well. The map was taken down by 7 p.m.

Mayor Tory says he wants to bring an end to carding

Mayor John Tory has edged closer to saying he will end the practice of stopping citizens known as carding, but he hasn’t actually said that.  Mr. Tory is paraphrased in the Globe and Mail as saying he wants to stop the police practice known as carding (and) will seek a permanent end to the procedure at the next meeting of the police services board. That may be easy or hard to do. The matter of carding is a hugely divisive matter between the police service and a lobby group of black and white citizens. The claims and accusations about carding include that it prevents crime, is in fact racism and destroys the lives of young black men  Globe and Mail 

Mac and JEEZ!: Festival leaves Liberty Village filthy

mac-1The first Mac and Cheese Festival in Liberty Village has left residents and organizers disappointed. It was a huge attraction, mind you (look at the lineup). But this morning the streets were filthy with food, paper and, according one woman, vomit. Organizers promise to do better next year and say they were ambushed by a number of people calling in sick.

120 at Charter Meeting of Leaside Centennial Lions Club

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The Charter Meeting of the new Leaside Centennial Lions Club was held Saturday night at St Clement of Ohrud Macedonian Church on Overlea Bvd. A guest list of 120 friends old and new met to celebrate the new chapter and plan their public-spirited work into the future. The dinner program began with a welcome from Past District Governor Raija Rosenthal of Leaside. It was a pleasant coincidence that the Forest Hill Lions Club was represented at the meeting. In his remarks, Forest Hill President Eric Feldbloom called it a pleasure for his club to have sponsored the new Leaside chapter, and he remembered how in 1952 it was the Leaside Lions Club that sponsored the Forest Hill Club into existence. The new chapter’s Certificate was presented by Past International Director Terry Graham to Leaside’s Charter President Tulsi Dharel. Mr. Graham then gave the keynote address. The meeting heard in writing from many dignitaries with well wishes. They included Prime Minister Harper, Premier Wynne, MPP John Carmichael, Mayor John Tory and Councillor Jon Burnside.  Lion’s Club International President Joe Preston also wrote to congratulate members and to remind them of the organization’s “rich tradition of service”  dating back to 1917.

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Police mum about Saturday call to Heath St. footbridge

Police were called to the footbridge which crosses the Moore Park Ravine Saturday evening from Hudson Drive and Heath Street E to the continuation of Health on the Bennington Heights side. Officers were silent about the call. One was seen interviewing two persons on the west side while several officers conducted what appeared to be a search of the area.

American Pharoah first triple crown winner in 37 years

At long last, the Triple Crown drought is over. American Pharoah led all the way to win the Belmont Stakes by 5 lengths on Saturday, becoming the first horse in 37 years to sweep the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes — one of the sporting world’s rarest feats. “Wow! Wow!” jockey Victor Espinoza said moments after crossing the finish line. “I can only tell you it just an amazing thing.” The bay colt with the unusually short tail defeated seven rivals in the grueling 1 1/2-mile race, covering the distance in 2:26.65 to end the longest stretch without a Triple Crown champion in history — FOX News.