Category: Uncategorized
Dion Phaneuf with kids at Leaside Sports Chek
•Is this exciting or what? Dion Phaneuf was at the Sport Chek in the Smart Centre Monday and gave a talk on how the pros get ready. He then did some face time with individual kids, members of the Leaside Flames Minor Peewees AA team. Did we say it was exciting? Just check the look on that young man’s face at right.
Fire, Hydro swamped with calls, downed wires
•Toronto Fire and Hydro are juggling dozens of calls about down electricity linees. There were nearly 60 calls at the peak for active situations including Whitewood, Broadway, Glenvale, Pleasant Blvd and Avoca Ave. List is here
Rainbows and roaring winds in South Bayview
•Beautiful rainbows and angry winds that make the flying leaves sting your skin. We’re getting all of it across South Bayview this evening. One resident reported seeing construction fencing tumble over in the wind on Roehampton a short time ago. She saw garbage cans and a sofa cushion (!) flying across Bayview and feared the rattling sign at Bayview Car Wash was getting ready to collapse. Another person reports that it was very difficult keeping his balance at the corner of Bayview Ave. and Belsize Dr. in nasty gusting wind. The stunning rainbow picture was taken outside Christine Manning’s Rental Kitchens on Vanderhoof. Mannings Cannings is in the complex at 105-109 Vanderhoof near Brentcliffe Rd. Photo at right shows Leacrest Road looking east at Rolph Road and was taken by Michael Nourse. Thanks Christine and Michael. Weather Channel
Corner grocery comeback on South Bayview?
•43rd Annual Community Canned Food Drive
•South Bayview’s Bell Jewellers to close in 2015
•Pictures from the 2014 Leaside Sports Hall of Fame night
•These wonderful pictures of the honorees at last night’s reception held by the Leaside Hall of Fame have been tweeted. The Bulldog inset them here with the dynamic action shots of Leaside’s Athlete of the Year Ayanna Badali, at top with 2013 honoree Martha McCabe. That’s Ayanna at the right speeding along in top form. Below l-r, inductees into the Hall of Fame: Terry Caffery, representing his late brother Jack Caffery (inset), Dr. Sidney Soanes, Peter Krol, representing his later father Joe Krol (inset) and Christine Pellerin. Jack Caffery (1934-19192) played with both the Leafs and the Bruins during his career. Dr. Soanes, 92, was founding member of the Leaside Skating Club, Joe Krol was the legendary quarterback of the Argonauts, Christine Pellerin has been hockey player, coach and is now member of the Toronto Leaside Girls Hockey Association. Hearty congratulations to all.