When voters cast ballots tomorrow the residents of Moore Park’s subdivision one (previous post) will have an extra hurdle or three to leap. Their polling station is actually outside the subdivision, seemingly the only such example of this oddity around South Bayview. In other elections, voters could access a polling station near at hand, and with lots of parking. The photo above shows well-known voting station venues. Left to right Our Lady of Perpetual Help School on Garfield Ave., OLPH church on Clifton Road and Whitney Junior Public School on Rosedale Heights Dr. For reasons unknown, only voters in subdivision two will vote at OLPH school but not those in subdivision one. They will instead trek to the inaccessible realm of The Deer Park Public Library at St. Clair Ave. East and Alvin Ave. This is the land of parking enforcement officers, delivery trucks, U-turning taxis, no street parking and streetcars. Thanks for nothing.
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South Bayview’s pleasant and sunny Saturday
•South Bayview saw a pleasant and very busy Saturday, October 25, 2014. All across the area families were out and about. And you know that our traffic warning in the morning about DVP travellers clogging Bayview was sadly right on money. Wow! At 10 a.m. it looked like Monday rush hour. Two pumpkin giveaways, one organized by Patrick Rocca was in the lot at McDowell’s valu mart on Bayview and one by Charlene Kalia at Pawsitively Pets on Laird Drive, drew hosts of people. What’s not to like about a free pumpkin. These are long-standing local services — Rocca’s Annual Pumpkin Giveaway and Kalia’s Ghoulish Giveaway are great hits. Photo at top shows Charlene with Gary Wise, creator and owner of Wisey’s Pies and Bake House on EglintonAve. E at Laird. His wares were a treat for pumpkin seekers. Also part of the team was Sara Celestini of Royal Bank, who provided the bags. The pumpkins were delivered to the event by Chad McDowell of the valu mart. At the Annual Pumpkin Giveaway, Patrick (inset) is seen at the barbecue for a lunch that seems to have started at 11 a.m. With him is Tikva Humby. The lineup was long. At Manor Road United church we see Marilyn at the costume jewellery counter in the sun-filled great hall and (bottom photo) many shoppers delighted in checking out the goods. The South Bayview Bulldog took home his favorite home-made chocolate cookies. MRUC Fall Fair is a good one among many good local fairs.
Rolph school gym the place for grads to gather
•The excellent occasion of the Rolph Road Elementary School’s 75th anniversary was topped off Saturday, October 25, 2014 as goodly numbers of grads, staff and former staff crowded the school’s gymnasium at 31 Rolph. Friends found themselves in old photos and chatted away the years. Youthful mischief returned for a moment to much laughter when, it being nearly Halloween, one man said to his old pals “Shall we go break some windows?” Mr. and Mrs Fletcher reminisce.
Expect heavy traffic on South Bayview Saturday
•For those of us in South Bayview the closure of the Don Valley Parkway is often the least of the problem. With the north-south artery closed traffic will move to streets like Bayview Ave. It will last all weekend as fall maintenance is performed on the DVP. The road closed at ten last night and will re-open to traffic on Monday, October 27, 2014 at 5 a.m. A city of Toronto news release says the closure is required to clear and repair catch basins. fix signs, guardrails and traffic cameras and to inspect bridges.
Parker “okay” with bikes rolling past stop signs
•There was a moment at last Tuesday’s Ward 26 candidates debate which seemed to say a lot about how traffic laws are bent and ultimately changed. John Parker, the councillor, said that he had no problem with the common practice of cyclists ignoring the requirement that they stop at a stop sign. The practice is known, he noted, as an Idaho stop after the unique legislation that permits cyclists there to treat a stop sign like a yield sign and a stoplight like a stop sign. A question had been asked about how cars and bicycles could possibly be reconciled on City streets. In fact, the discussion was about how all the candidates were in favour of bike lanes. Mr. Parker just added the stop sign reference seemingly as an after thought. Can letting cyclists roll through stop signs and stop lights make things work better? Idaho introduced this legislation in 1982 and it remains the only place in North America where such practices are allowed. Even today, Boise, the capital of that wide-open place has barely 215,000 souls. Bayview and Millwood might look like a speedway to your average Idaho driver. The bicycle versus car dilemma was seen at a police community safety meeting on October 2, 2014 at North Toronto Collegiate Institute. The discussion broke down not only among members of the public but among the police on hand over just where and when it was safe to cycle. Bike riders said they frequently did not feel safe on the road and therefore had to ride on the sidewalk. This is illegal and it enraged pedestrian-minded members of the audience. As anyone knows, it is a daily sight to see bicycles speeding up and down the wide sidewalks of Bayview Ave. Bicycle lanes may help riders to travel more safely. But the collectivity of cycling habits has created an expectation of drivers which challenges even the most careful. Their job is more suited to a pilot with 360 degree radar. Cars fortunately can come to a dead halt without falling from the sky while the driver deciphers as best he can where the cyclist is going. Ideas like rolling stops and safe haven for bikes on the sidewalks hang heavy over the prospects for urban peace however.
Costco high on agenda at LPOA Ward 26 debate
•Costco was high on the agenda at the Ward 26 candidates debate Tuesday night. Chairman Brian Athey asked the four contenders where they stood on the plan to build a Costco store and gas bar on Overlea Blvd. Ishrath Velshi and David Sparrow gave unequivocal answers. Ms. Velshi offered concerns about traffic but in the end she said: “I do support the Costco project.” She noted the “poverty level of 40%” in Thorncliffe Park and echoed that community’s interest in the good-paying jobs that would be created. Mr. Sparrow spoke from his base when he expressed clear opposition. He cited studies which suggest the store and gas bar would draw some 300,000 vehicles a month to Overlea Blvd. Traffic has become the rallying cry of those opposed to the development. John Parker, the two-term incumbent, said traffic seemed the most critical test the development would face. “I don’t see it passing the traffic test,” he said. Jon Burnside noted both the poverty in Thorncliffe and the need for development. He said he would like to “sever off the gas bar” from the project as it drew the most vehicles. Nonetheless, he seemed to follow the position of the current council — to wait until traffic studies are done before deciding to support the project. The expansion of Toronto Island Airport also drew a mix of answers with Ms Velshi leaving the door open. “We do not have the information.” John Parker and Dave Sparrow were unlikely island parkland soul mates in firmly opposing an enlarged airport with jets. Mr. Burnside answered briefly by saying that he was “against the position as it stands.” He supported Parker and Sparrow. The near standing-room-only crowd at the William Lea Room heard Parker and Burnside spar throughout the evening. Burnside ticked off Parker for his 2010 support of Rob Ford. Burnside noted that he had been endorsed by John Tory. Mr. Parker said he had supported David Soknacki but was prepared to work with John Tory even though he had “paid a price” for telling Tory about concerns with the SmartTrack plan. There was a stand-alone question to Burnside on how he would be a full-time member of council with a business to run. He suggested the ready-made meals business will be sold. Responses to a question about traffic on Laird Drive saw a heated response to Mr. Parker’s observation that there was going to be traffic on Laird no matter what was done. There were shouts from the audience and one man was heard to say “insulting.” The debate ranged across air traffic noise, conservation and heritage legislation, bicycle lanes and the future of the business park. The debate was sponsored by the Leaside Property Owners Association. Photo l-r Jon Burnside, John Parker, David Sparrow, Ishrath Velshi. (Courtesy Rudy Limeback)
Davisville Pumpkin Parade November 1, 2014
•Josh Matlow (Ward 22) has tweeted word that this year’s Davisville Village Pumpkin Parade will be at Glebe Manor Park E. on Belsize Drive on Nov 1, 2014 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Bring your family and your pumpkins. This is a great idea for the morning after.
View of Don Valley foliage from Leaside Bridge
•This picture is edited from an image tweeted today by Sean Marshall @SMG_YYZ. It shows the Don Valley looking north from the Leaside bridge to the buildings of Thorncliffe Park Drive. Sean comments on the beauty and is philosophical about the East York Town Centre saying it does well. “Along with Target, Food Basics, Halal meat shops, new clothing stores cater to the community. Adapts and thrives.” Thanks Sean.
Ward 26 all-candidates debate Oct 21, 2014
•Jeffrey statue is about our hope for children
•The creation and unveiling yesterday of the statue of Jeffrey Baldwin is a declaration of our hope and expectation for our children. The statue is attached to a park bench and as Councillor Paula Fletcher said it is a place to spend a moment with Jeffrey. This little boy was terribly abused and denied the necessities of life. He died at the age of five in 2002. The charming bronze memorial is located in Greewood Park at Greenwood Ave. and Dundas Street E. It was commissioned by an Ottawa man Todd Bryce (above right). He read about the case and of Jeffrey’s love of his superman outfit. Twitter photos
Tory nod to Greb (Ward 16), Burnside (Ward 26)
•John Tory has made two endorsements of council candidates in South Bayview Saturday evening (October 18, 2014). The front-runner for mayor has asked his supporters to vote for Christin Carmichael Greb in Ward 16 and for Jon Burnside in Ward 26. It would appear to be the first candidates that Mr. Tory has endorsed during the long general election campaign. In Ward 16, Ms. Greb is running to replace Karen Stintz. Ms Stintz had previously been contesting the election for mayor but in withdrawing from that race before nomination day said she was also retiring from politics, at least for now. In Ward 26, Jon Burnside is well known as a business owner and candidate in the 2010 election in which he ran a close second to the current councillor, John Parker.
Children’s Garden School open house is Nov. 13
•Children’s Garden School on Eglinton Ave. E. at Hanna Rd. is reminding residents that the school will be having a morning Open House of its Pre-School and Junior Kindergarten facilities on Thursday, November 13, 2014 between 9.30 and 10.30 a.m. It is an opportunity for parents to quickly check out the convenient and modern facilities at CGS. The school has been providing outstanding Preschool and Nursery School to Grade 3 programming in Leaside for 25 years. Kelly Scott, Director of Admissions, says its students are among the most highly regarded applicants to the top private schools. Kelly says CGS students are known for their excellent academic skills, poise and character. She suggests that public school parents not committed to a long term private school path might wish to choose CGS in the early years to give their children a solid academic and social foundation before they join the public system in Grade 4. Class sizes are small to ensure that kids get the attention they need to succeed in all areas of the curriculum, in the classroom, on stage or on the field. You can give Kelly Scott a call to plan a visit at (416) 423 5017 extension 43. Or write to her at kscott@cgsschool.com. Website. It has interesting information about the many before and after school clubs for students and monthly assemblies for CGS parents. To get a real feel for the many events at the school, visit their Blog.