Category: Uncategorized

Rolph addition houses kindergarten classes

Residents of the Rolph Road area who have wondered all summer just what was being built at the public school will be interested to know that the new addition at the north end of the building accommodates three classes of all-day kindergarten. Michael Kennedy, principal of Rolph Road, explains that there are three classes of kindergartners comprising some 32 kids. Each class has two teachers. In all, Rolph is educating some 408 pupils this year from kindergarten to Grade 6.  Rolph Road School was built in 1939 and this October celebrates 75 years with a grand celebration. Check it out.

Home collapse on Brookdale Ave near Greer

House on right collapsed

One man died and three escaped from a house collapse at 245 Brookdale Ave. near Greer Ave today (Tuesday, September 9, 2014).. The mid-afternoon collapse of the home occurred when a project to underpin the foundation of the house went awry. The Toronto Fire Department called out its Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team to remove debris so that the dead man’s body could be recovered. . The Toronto and District School Board has conducted staged release of children from John Wanless Public School to their parents or guardians.  The underpinning process usually is related to a plan to ,lower the basement floor to provide eight-foot ceilings on the lower level. It is delicate work and has been known to cause homes to collapse in the past. It is a concern in any neighborhood, like Leaside and Davisville Village, where renovations are common. A neighbour told CP24 that he spoke to a young construction worker earlier who said he was learning about underpinning.One worker has been rescued from the basement of the collapsed home at 245 Brookdale Ave. and taken to Sunnybrook Hospital.   CBC Photo shows firefighters digging through wreckage to assess how to rescue trapped construction workers.  

Police meet during enforcement blitz in Leaside

PC Timothy Somers posted this picture to Twitter of fellow officers gathered on McRae Drive near Millwood Rd. during a safety blitz in Leaside. They are being assisted by members of the so-called YIPI contingent of young people doing summer service with police. It is officially the Toronto Police Service Youth in Policing Initiative and is supported by the police and the provincial ministry of children and youth services. 

Toy drive riders on Bayview Avenue. Sunday

Harleys on Bayview

The Red, White and Blue Knights motorcycle riders roared up Bayview Ave during the noon hour Sunday (September 7, 2014) as part of their 35th Annual Toyride. Those who happened to be on Bayview at the time will remember the high-spirited and costumed riders from previous years. Organizers asked riders and their passengers to bring a new, unwrapped toy for the drive to the Nathan Phillips Square kickoff point. Their route took them Eastbound Queen Street to River St. and up Bayview Extension all the way to 401,  where they found their way back along the Don Valley Parkway to Phillips Square again. Great cause.

Get ready! Rolph Road 75th festivity 6 weeks off

Rolph Road Elementary School is closing in on its momentous 75th anniversary set for the weekend on October 24 – 25, 2014. Petra Grantham is asking all Rolph Roaders to send her their photos or school memorabilia. You can mail Petra here.  Tickets for the adult social night are $50. Oh yes, if you know where any of these clean-cut straight-ahead kids from 1960 are today, mail your news to Petra. 

Pawsitively a fun fair at Laird and Parkhurst

Jennifer Ego of Pawsitively Pets sends along these great pictures of the multi-service pet care and training firm’s party on Laird Drive at Parkhurst Blvd. The little cul-de-sac of Parkhurst which contains Van Ness Flowers and a few other businesses was closed to accommodate the event. Young lady at top left has a Salamander painted on her face. So chic. Next we see a party-goer eyeing an approaching turtle and council candidate Jon Burnside serves cotton candy with a parrot on his shoulder. Aye matie! Below, Polly Wanna Hand Perch? Next, a young kangaroo (don’t get too close to his legs) and the ever-popular pony ride.

Sleep Country space at 1591 Bayview is for lease

The Sleep Country location at 1591 Bayview Ave and the adjoining premises at 1589 Bayview which housed the Flight Centre, are both for lease with large signs in the window. At Sleep Country, the story seems to be that the business might be there for another six months. The large space was once the TD Bank branch before the Canada Trust TD was built at Millwood Rd. and Bayview. Later it housed the Trend Shoppe. 

Ryan Slack’s Sturgeon Lake Muskie monster

Ryan Slack, a Leaside lad now grown and married will be remembered by many from Leaside High School. Over the weekend while fishing on the Trent Severn System Ryan, caught this monster Muskie out of Sturgeon Lake. His dad, former CTV editor Ian Slack, mailed the pictures to The Bulldog.  The barely believable denizen was about 50 inches long but the mouth was frightening. Truly unreal said Ian. It seems to be at least ten inches across. Ryan and his brother in law Jim got a 36-incher about ten minutes earlier and returned it to the lake. They tried to revive this one but after a half an hour of trying it was no go so it the enormous specimen will be mounted. The Trent Severn System is famous for its muskie, pickerel, pike, walleye, large and small mouth bass and many other fish.  

Shocked fish eaters say “No!” to Penrose closing

News of the decision to close Penrose Fish & Chips at 600 Mount Pleasant Rd. has moved quickly across South Bayview. Some readers just don’t want to know. Stephanie (@girlstar28) was in denial as she tweeted No!  It was one of many expressions of regret.  Ward 22 Councillor Josh Matlow said the news made him sad. “We shall find a way to extend our gratitude to this beloved family and local landmark,” he tweeted  News of the closing of the neighborhood institution broke last night in The South Bayview Bulldog. The owners, Dave and Rosemary Johnston, have made the decision to take some time  for their other passion, sailing. But they are still greeting customers for another month at Penrose Fish and Chips.  Penrose Fish and Chips to close