Category: Uncategorized

OMB okay for “outrageous” towers on Broadway

Residents north of Eglinton East are venting a lot of steam these days with the decision to permit a twin-towered development at 95-99 Broadway Ave on the corner of Redpath Ave. That location is between Yonge St. and Mt. Pleasant Rd.  The development rises to some 34 storeys with the towers located on a so-called podium, as is architecturally in vogue these days. It is owned by Sentinel (Broadway) Holdings Inc. The final approval was given in recent days by the Ontario Municipal Board, a body that is deeply disliked by municipal councillors.  Josh Matlow (Ward 22) calls the approval “outrageous”. He says the proposal for “two 38-storey (sic) towers on a relatively small site (runs) counter to the tenets of the provincial growth plan, which states that the greatest heights and densities should occur at the intersection of Yonge and Eglinton and then decrease the further away a development is located from that junction. This project will have a density twice that of the Minto development. While there is nothing more that can reasonably be done to fight this development, the experience has furthered my resolve to free Toronto from the OMB.” Urban Toronto 

Wards 22 and 26 members deal on BIA process

There was a working compromise reached at City Council Wednesday (August 27, 2014) in the debate about a name for a proposed business improvement area (BIA) for South Bayview. John Parker (Ward 26) moved a motion to delete the name Bayview Leaside which had earlier been attached to the request to the Clerk for a formal vote of merchants and landlords on the street. The motion asked that the city proceed with the vote (or poll) to determine support but that the BIA remain nameless until it is created. The motion was seconded by Josh Matlow (Ward 22) whose ward shares the Bayview Ave business district on the west. Mr. Matlow has been a strong voice in favour of a name which is inclusive of those living on both sides of the street. As residents will know, Leaside sits to the east, Davisville Village to the west. A poll in the South Bayview Bulldog is running approximately 77 percent in favor of the name South Bayview. 

Manning Canning to open on Vanderhoof Ave.

Christine Manning
A nice addition to the Leaside business spectrum will soon be moving into the commercial complex at 105-109 Vanderhoof Ave. Manning Canning is a maker of  a wide variety of sweet and savoury jams, jellies, marmalades and pickles. Owner Christine Manning started her business from home and did the cooking in rental kitchens around town. Now she will  own her kitchen and provide commercially certified rental kitchens to others. Manning Canning products are sold at present in 24 stores including Andy Elder’s Grilltime meat shop on Laird Drive at Kenrae Ave. That’s across the street from the Telus building at Laird and Esandar Drive. Ms.Manning tells The South Bayview Bulldog that one of the main challenges small food producers face is the lack of rentable commercial kitchen space in the GTA. Her new location on Vanderhoof will permit Manning Canning to provide small food producers kitchen space plus give Manning space for increased production. Next month Manning Canning will launch a kickstarter campaign to raise funds to complete the renovations to the space. The firm intends to be open for rental in mid-October. Christine says Leaside is the ideal location for her to make her wonderful products. Try the Zucchini relish — Ed. 

Eat the Beltline comes with a southern drawl

Those who Tweet in and around Davisville Village will probably be aware of the perilous mixture of entries that can appear. Who knew that the City of Atlanta had both a Beltline and a Davisville and that well-meaning Twitterbugs would mix up news from down there with up here. But thus it is that the hilariously named Georgia business venture known as Eat the Beltline would be tweeting pictures of the TTC track work at — um — Davisville Station. Yes. Eat the trackwork.  Good reason to add the word Village to your search  

Where is debonaire Harrison right about now?

Early readers of The South Bayview Bulldog will remember this memorable young man. He is Harrison, aged nine months, photographed in the Homefront Shop at 1579 Bayview Ave. on May 15, 2009. That’s all we know about Harrison except that his sunny disposition when he visited with his mom was enough make him a notable guy even at that age. We must suppose that today Harrison is six years and in school. We also received a very nice comment to the original story from his proud grandmother. Perhaps she is still a Bulldog reader and would like to give us a brief update on Harrison’s journey. This long ago post came to light as we reviewed the selections made by the many readers who roam the Bulldog archives. 

Why Yonge subway was closed this weekend

Our fantastic five-day a week subway has been out of service for another of its regular weekend repair jobs. Kris McCusker of 680 News shows us a picture looking north at Merton Street It shows work in the Davisville station which fits with the story that the line was closed between Bloor and Eglinton stations to do signal upgrades and track work. The subway will re-open at 6 a.m. Monday, August 15, 2014. Nice shot Kris. 

Parker circling the Leaside wagons on Twitter

The Bulldog is on Twitter watch in these quiet closing days of August and notes that Councillor John Parker (Ward 26) has re-made himself with a logo that evokes a certain circling of the Leaside wagons. Mr. Parker’s new brand on Twitter is Let’s Stick Together. This new logo in seen in the Leaside search with some pleasant pictures of the Leaside Lawn Bowling Club. The Councilor’s previous depiction of his Twitter self was as a character from the Charlie Brown comic strip. Whatever, we now have the Let’s Stick Together motto out there for readers to make what they will of it. Are the forces of Josh Matlow (Ward 22) forming up on the frontiers of Leaside? Will the worst occur? Will public opinion shape the naming of the new BIA? Right now the Mssrs. Parker and Matlow see that issue differently. Matlow says the proper name for the as-yet unformed BIA is the well-known South Bayview. Mr. Parker is going with the name chosen by the BIA steering committee by a 3-2 vote. That would be Bayview Leaside.  You can vote on which name you like here.

Cops nab man in two more overnight car fires

Police have a man in custody for two car fires overnight near Jane St. and Wilson Ave. The car fire follow similar driveway fires in recent days in that neighborhood.  The accused is a 30-year-old man who who lives in a building in the area. He is called a “person of interest” in the arson case from earlier this month.  This graphic firefighting action seen in a YouTube video is courtesy of Global News