A photo of the Davisville Yard, facing northeast towards Yonge Street. (City of Toronto)
Next Stop: Davisville
The Davisville Yard offers an opportunity to reimagine a large site in the heart of the Davisville neighbourhood, with a signature public park and a mix of new land uses. The City Planning Division, in partnership with CreateTO and the Toronto Transit Commission, is launching Next Stop: Davisville – a Special Study to assess the feasibility of decking the Davisville Yard. The study includes an engineering review, identifying TTC facility requirements, a land use and built form review and a funding strategy to realize the project.
In May and June 2022, a short survey and a Social Pinpoint project page were available for people to give their feedback on the project Vision and Guiding Principles, and the future development of the Davisville Yard site. Staff will review and consider public feedback with other planning policy and stakeholder inputs in shaping the future of the project. This feedback will be summarized in a detailed engagement summary later this summer.
Virtual Community Visioning Session held on May 26, 2022
On May 26, 2022, the team held a virtual workshop with local residents and stakeholders. The meeting began with a review of the project background and existing site conditions in and around the Davisville Yard. This was followed by a discussion of the draft Vision and Guiding Principles, and a facilitated workshop to identify priorities for the site and potential scenarios for the future park. Thank you to everyone who attended and gave their feedback!
A Study Overview PDF is available, detailing the project background, the draft Vision and Guiding Principles, potential park scenarios and next steps.
A one-page event dashboard PDF summarizing the event is also available, providing a high-level summary of the meeting and the most discussed topics. This will be followed by a detailed engagement summary later this summer.