Category: Uncategorized

TTC, Metrolinx bicker over frequency of Eglinton LRT trains

The Toronto Star says that the TTC and Metrolinx are having trouble agreeing on just how to run the Eglinton LRT. The system is jointly owned by the City and Ontario government in what is called a complex public-private partnership (P3) model. Although the midtown transit line is set to begin service in a matter of months, the two bodies have been unable to agree on whether trains should run every 5 minutes or every 3 minutes and 10 seconds at peak times. The issue is money with the City trying to save a bit. And the Star has found a transit expert who says aspects of the LRT agreement are “exceedingly awkward” and at least have the potential to lead to disputes. Metrolinx and the TTC haven’t always had a good working relationship. They initially disagreed on the LRT design and have sparred over the Presto fare card system. Toronto Star

Musk gets Twitter! Who knows what now for freaky jibber?

Elon Musk has done it. Shows you what $44 billion can do. Now there is massive worry on many sides about what it will mean for freaky Twitter jibber. Or should we say free speech?

But maybe he just dislikes stupid people

Here’s a US professor whose solution to social media “blackmail” is to somehow or other remove the 20 percent of stupid people who cause it. Hmm.

Twitter testing a way for you to hide from the stupid

And Twitter has announced that it is testing a new way for users to remove themselves from conversations they don’t want to be a part of. The company calls this “unmentioning” and while it’s only a test for now, it’s one many Twitter users weary from years of harassment would be happy to test drive.

Two costly attempts to steal Leaside Toyota in just 4 months

The costly nature of car theft extends to the damage done to the vehicle even if the thieves fail. This plaintive post tells of the expensive repairs required to a Toyota Highlander after two recent attempts within four months near Southvale Drive and Rolph Rd. TPS Crime Stats Map

Rumours abound that Vladimir Putin as seen in tweets is ill

Many on social media think they can see signs of ill health in Vladimir Putin. It’s certainly not conclusive but the 70-year-old autocrat is seen in posts below which can be interpreted as signs of some anxiety or infirmity.

Orange-jackets on a City pothole blitz Saturday and Sunday

Toronto will launch a “major spring pothole repair blitz” this weekend. Weather permitting, City crews will be busy on expressways, major roads and neighbourhood streets. Some 40 crews totalling about 100 orange-jackets will work a 12-hour shift from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday to repair as many potholes as possible.

Shamsa’s story, Rachel’s “Shorts” and Avery’s kitchen knives

Faces, faces. And this post begins with Shamsa Al Balush, the woman who survived a nasty shove onto subway tracks last Sunday. “I’m terrified,” Shamsa told CP24. “The way I felt, the way I was pushed, is just crazy.” We couldn’t agree more. Then there’s Global News gal Rachel Gilmore who employs YouTube’s newly-adopted app with phone-shaped images called Shorts. It’s an anti-TikTok thing. Rachel says you may be further ahead to rent than buy but many comments seem to doubt that. Lastly, we see plucky teenager Avery Cormier who chased a burglar out of her mom’s home with a pair of kitchen knives. Then she had the wits to turn on a camera that recorded the guy’s truck. He’s in jail.

Lotto win, Netflix ads and new rules on way for home bids

Someone in Ontario is waking up $60 million richer. There was a single jackpot-winning ticket sold in Tuesday’s Lotto Max draw. The draw also included 10 Maxmillions of $1 million each, and three of them were claimed, all sold in Ontario as well.

Netflix ponders “ad tier”

The loss of members to competing services like Disney has prompted Netflix to say it is thinking about adding a so-called “ad tier” to the offering. An ad tier is seen in CBC streaming where a viewer can watch the GEM service with or without ads.

Ontario to change real estate bidding rules

The Ontario government is introducing new real estate regulations that would allow home sellers to share bids on their property and disclose the details of competing offers. As the system stands now, individuals looking to put an offer on a home do so blindly, without knowing how much their competitors are offering above the asking price. The new regulation will give sellers the option to “opt for an open offer process.” CTV

Lucky lady, I’m being kidnapped and fly with me — or not

A woman has had a narrow escape from death when she was pushed onto the tracks at the Bloor-Yonge subway station. Another woman is sought for what appears to be a deranged decision to commit this act. Her picture is in this report from Carl Hantske.

Canadian “trap thumb” signal helps rescue woman in Tennessee

A woman in Tennessee has escaped kidnapping by using a hand signal popularized on TikTok by the Canadian Women’s Foundation. Witnesses told deputies the woman ran into a convenience store and gave a signal with her hand by crossing her thumb over her palm and repeatedly covering her thumb with her four other fingers.

Air travel more like a tramp steamer

There is chaos at Pearson airport Monday (and actually quite often). The problem this day is an unknown “computer network issue” according to Sunwing. We hate it when that happens.

Joyous return of Beaches Lions Easter Parade thrills City

The Beaches Lions Club Easter Parade returned live and in person to Queen St E Sunday and the sight of so many kids and adults having fun has thrilled the City. It’s been two years since the parade took place. The route ran along Queen from Monroe Park Ave. in the east and travelled west to Woodbine Ave., lasting about two hours. Writing in the Sun, Veronica Henri said that organizers did not have the same amount of time to prepare as they would have had pre-pandemic. “Still, the event was successful with 50 floats, numerous marching bands, and local clubs, with participants showing everything from gymnastics to kickboxing and ballet dancers. It ended with the main attraction, the Easter Bunny”. Pictures abound on Twitter.