Category: Uncategorized

Ottawa, Ontario pump millions into Honda Alliston upgrade

The federal and provincial governments will pump some $260 million into an update of the Ontario Alliston Honda plant to help it pivot to produce hybrid-electric vehicles. Honda Canada will spend around $1.4 billion to upgrade and retool the plant, including a grant of $131.6 million from the provincial government. It’s the second-largest car manufacturer in Canada and it produces the Honda Civic and the CR-V, with the capacity to complete more than 400,000 vehicles per year and 190,000 engines. The Alliston plant employs some 4,200 people. There are no German cars manufactured in Ontario, incidentally.

Leaside Heritage will offer friends LHPS Beer at April meet

Ann Brown writes to announce an important gathering Sunday, April 10 at which Amsterdam Brewery will inaugurate a beer named for the Leaside Heritage Preservation Society. And everyone is invited to the Amsterdam Brewery at 45 Esander Drive from 2 to 4 p.m. to help celebrate the official launch of this unique “Heritage” beer. They’ll share stories of growing up and living in one of Canada’s most attractive and historic communities and enjoy free entertainment, trivia. nostalgia contests and complimentary appetizers. Take home an LHPS six-pack for your family or friends for each $20 donation you make to the society.

Canada will bring several Ukrainian cancer patients to HSC

Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children says it is expecting to receive as many as five young cancer patients from Ukraine within the next few days. They may arrive as soon as Thursday. Meanwhile, the courageous leaders of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia say they will visit the besieged Ukrainian capital of Kyiv Tuesday.

Reporter denounces war on Russian TV

And here’s the bravest journalist in Russia. Marina Ovsyannikova stormed onto a live broadcast to call out the Kremlin’s version of the war. She cried “stop the war. No to war”. She also made a pre-recorded video statement below.

Wildcats gold, silver teams at March Madness Tournament

The happy memories of the 2022 Wildcats March Madness Hockey Tournament will no doubt last a lifetime for these girls of the Wildcats Under18BB team. They won gold in a thrilling shootout. Their coach is Steve Gross. Below we see them again with helmets, equipment and those essential coaches as well.

Down below another great gang. They’re the silver medal-winning Wildcats Under15A team.

Ontario law students will be watched as they take their exam

The Law Society of Ontario says bar exams that were cancelled this month have been rescheduled for April. And now instead of writing them online, young would-be lawyers will have to sit in a class with an invigilator watching them. Barrister and solicitor exams were cancelled on March 5 immediately before they were set to begin because it was suspected that some candidates had peeked at test answers ahead of time. Law society CEO Diana Miles says holding tests in person is the most effective solution to ensure confidence in the exam process and meet the needs of candidates. An external investigation into the exam situation is ongoing.

Girls meet their hockey heroes as Wildcats Madness returns

The Toronto Leaside Girls Hockey March Break Madness Tournament roared back to life this past weekend. The much-loved tradition saw 400 games played from Friday to Sunday at more than a dozen local arenas. An astonishing 167 teams comprised of 3,000 kids participated. Wildcat girls won medals in over a half dozen categories, including U18BB. As always, Olympic women’s hockey stars made an appearance. The photos show Professional Women’s Hockey Players Association stars Loren Gabel, Natalie Spooner and Marie-Philip Poulin with some admiring new friends. Learn about the Wildcats

Plate sticker refund will come in mail if address up to date

Drivers who dutifully actually paid to keep their licence plate stickers up to date during the pandemic may expect a refund in the mail now that the gov=erment has eliminated the stickers. As posted by Service Ontario this week:

If you paid renewal fees for your licence plate sticker for an individually owned passenger vehicle, light-duty truck, motorcycle or moped for the period of March 1, 2020 to March 12, 2022, the address on your driver’s licence is correct and you do not owe defaulted fees, fines or tolls, you will receive a refund cheque in the mail starting at the end of March and throughout the month of April. If you update your address or pay defaulted fines, fees or tolls after March 7, your refund cheque may arrive in the summer or fall.

540 Canadian NATO troops in Latvia await what comes next

The Russian army is said to be closing in on the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv this weekend. Many fear that even the most determined and courageous resistance of the democratic land will not be enough to stop the invasion. And then what? Many fear little Latvia may be next. Can anyone possibly wonder why the Latvians should want to be in NATO? If the Russians do come, there are 540 Canadian NATO soldiers on the front. Below, a former president of Latvia has concluded that Putin has become unhinged.

Plant classification expert to address garden society in May

The May 12 virtual meeting of the Leaside Garden Society will hear from Richard Dickinson, a Toronto plant academic, author and associate at the Royal Ontario Museum. Mr Dickinson has a distinguished career in the field of classifying Canadian plant life. He is co-author of Wildflowers of Edmonton and Central Alberta, Wildflowers of Calgary and Southern Alberta, Plants of Alberta, Weeds of North America and Plants of Southern Ontario. Plan to join the meeting