KEESMAAT: Planning for Leaside after the Crosstown LRT


Jennifer Keesmaat

City of Toronto Chief Planner Jennifer Keesmaat spoke to a large gathering in the William Lea Room Monday night on matters affecting Leaside. In a quite wide-ranging overview of municipal planning, she noted the decision to permit and encourage “intensification” (or high-development) in what is known as the Laird Focus Area.  LFA was a creation of the Eglinton Connex of 2013 which envisions Eglinton Ave and its attached thoroughfares in light of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT. The community has seen the evidence of development — conforming and otherwise — in the proposal to build four towers (two of them 33 and 34 floors) at the corner of Eglinton and Brentcliffe. There is much undeveloped land  both west and east of this site. The focus area extends down Laird to the low-rise commercial and industrial structures of previous  decades. Ms Keesmaat said LFA will require completion of the  Leaside Traffic Area Study, promised but not delivered in 2013.  She said 2016 will be a busy year in which the traffic study and the Laird Focus Area will proceed together.


The Chief Planner spoke of her view of how the traffic study ought to apply what she called operational solutions. She referenced the use of signage and, in some cases, one way streets to prevent “the penetration of traffic through the neighbourhood.” Leaside, said Ms. Keesmaat, was particularly susceptible to such penetration. She referenced neighborhoods west of Yonge Street as examples of where signage prevents rush hour traffic from crowding streets.  Such operational solutions might result in “a few minor inconveniences on your own roads” but the benefit of keeping traffic off the roads is typically quite substantial. (A simple “operational solution” may be seen next door to Leaside in Moore Park where for many decades signage has prevented rush hour traffic and sometimes local residents from entering).


Overall, Ms Keesmaat offered a wide number of planning considerations ranging from neighborhood inspired “templates” to be employed by planners through to Heritage Districts. Leaside is on a track of undetermined speed toward this status thanks to former Councillor John Parker. Heritage District status places the most formal restrictions on change and is viewed variously in Leaside. Some wish to have it to save the character of Leaside while others view it as an unwelcome burden on property values. The Planning Town Hall was organized by Councillor Jon Burnside (Ward 22). The notion of testing in some democratic form the extent of support for heritage controls remains undiscussed — Ed.  

keesmaat gathering

Jennifer Keesmaat addresses Planning Town Hall

Target will pay RioCan $132 million for abandoned leases

Target Corp has paid Yonge and Eglinton based RioCan $132 million for walking away from more than two dozen leases with RioCan when it abruptly closed up shop in Canada.  The real estate trust says Target has paid that figure including $92 million which belongs to RioCan, under the agreement. In return, RioCan and its partners have released Target from its obligations.


Police warn of break and enters north of Sheppard Ave

Police warn of break-ins north of Sheppard Ave.

Police warn of break-ins north of Sheppard Ave.

Police in 33 Division due north of South Bayview are warning residents of a series of break and enters which have occurred at night in the area bounded by Steeles Avenue to the north, the 404 to the east, Sheppard Avenue East to the south, and Bayview Avenue to the west.  There have been no reports of injuries, though there have been several reports of homeowners awakened by the sound of the intrusion. In some of the entries, screens were cut, and unlocked windows were opened. Police are asking homeowners to be vigilant of suspicious people, vehicles, or activity in their neighborhood, and to call 9-1-1.


Homeowners should secure their homes by ensuring fence gates are closed and windows locked. Homes security systems should be armed, and cameras activated. Exterior lighting may also be an effective tool. The area in question has many important locales and neighborhoods. They include Henry Farm, Don Valley Village and Hillcrest Village. Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-3300, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), online at, text TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637). Download the free Crime Stoppers Mobile App on iTunes, Google Play or Blackberry App World.

Chief planner Keesmaat at Leaside town hall Monday


Jennifer Keesmaat

John Burnside has written to remind residents of a meeting this evening (Monday, November 23, 2015). It is a Planing Town Hall with Jennifer Keesmaat, Chief Planner for the City of Toronto  A solicitor for the City, Brendan O’Callaghan, will also be present to provide insight into such matters as expropriations and other development. The meeting is in the William Lea Room at the Leaside Arena and  begins at 6.30  p.m. The Councillor says he encourages everyone to attend.




132nd Scouts will have limited number of 9-foot Firs

John Masterson of the 132nd Toronto Scouts has written to remind everyone that  the annual Christmas Tree Sale is two weeks away and you can reserve an extra tall tree by emailing John.  This year the Scouts will have a limited supply of 9-foot Fraser Fir trees available at $ 100 (HST & delivery included). The 132nd.Toronto Scout Group is at Leaside Presbyterian Church 670 Eglinton Avenue East at Hanna Road. You can write to John at


Pfizer set to acquire Boxtox maker Allergan for $150 million

Drug mammoth Pfizer is poised to acquire Botox maker Allergan Plc for more than $150 billion, says Reuters. It is a deal that will create the world’s biggest drug maker, according to people familiar with the matter. And it follows the pattern of the expansive Pfizer to buy seemingly every viable drug firm around. Last year Pfizer gave up on a plan to buy the huge British firm Astrazenca when it was told it would not be permitted to elude U.S taxes by doing so.

Mowbray kicks out 23 as Sabres beat Wildcats 3 to 1


Katie Mowbray

Leaside goalkeeper Katie Mowbray kicked out 23 of 26 shots on goal Sunday afternoon at Leaside Arena in a losing 3-1 struggle against a strong Stoney Creek Sabres team. The opposing goalie, Serena D’Angelo, faced nine shots in total, letting but one past her. The game was a festival of penalties  (six for the Wildcats and five for the Sabres). Early in the third, Leaside was hanging on with three players to five. Remarkably, there was no power play scoring.  The Wildcats won their 13th game of the PWHL season Saturday in Mississauga beating the Chiefs 3 to 0. Sunday’s boxscore