Pope picks nine Cardinals from emerging world

Nine of 14 Cardinals named today by Pope Francis are from emerging countries such as Vietnam and Myanmar. The pontiff also showed his intention to balance out the huge number of Italian Cardinals with non-European. He appointed only two Italians from small districts and pointedly ignored Venice, a city which has traditionally had a cardinal. Wall Street Journal 

Prince Andrew ensnared in “love slave” scandal

It seems like a very old and sordid story except that this time it has ensnared the second son of the Queen in a sex scandal that is spread all across the world this Sunday morning. The Mailonline is just one paper printing photographs like the one above. It shows Prince Andrew and a 17-year-old “caretaker’s daughter” in 2001 when she claims she was used as a sex slave although the slave part is an open question.. The woman on the right is Ghislane Mathews, the woman alleged to have acted as a madame at the trysts with the girl involving Andrew and on other occasions law professor Alan Dershowitz. Today the prince is flying flying home from vacation in the midst of furious denials from himself and Buckingham Palace. Mailonline 

If this were B.C., you could buy wine at 301 Moore

You may have missed it what with Christmas shopping, but on December 19, British Columbia said that it will allow the sale of B.C. wines on the shelves of grocery stores. The program takes effect April 1, 2015. The wine will be offered right beside food and most happily will not require a grotesque kiosk, or store within a store, operated by the government. As you will recall, that monstrosity was trotted out for election purposes in Ontario last summer. It had so  many conditions it seems doubtful that we will ever see it.  More than that, the wine will be sold by store staff over 19 at a specified desk. It seems as if any grocery store separated by a kilometre from a B.C. government liquor store will be able to sell wine this way. That means if there were similar law in Ontario, the Loblaws at 301 Moore could sell Ontario wine. So could Metro at Bayview Ave. and Eglinton Ave. E. and on Laird Drive. But maybe not  Sobey’s because of the large LCBO in the SmartCentre 

U of T kids invent all-weather smart shirt

Three U of T kids have invented a shirt that is wired to keep us warm, when necessary or permit cooling off as conditions change. Clement Zhou. seen above with CBC reporter Amanda Margison, says he and two friends set out to design a “smart shirt” that heats up or cools down depending on the weather. Their company, Fuel Wear Clothing, recently asked for funding on the Internet and found some $80,000 to produce a top that has conductive material sewn into the fabric. “It’s the first intelligent, smart-heated base layer shirt that monitors your body temperature and provides you with the right amount of heating in the winter,” Mr. Zhou told CBC News. The shirt is a hot item online, and is said to have attracted the attention of retailers The shirt is also said to be “not cheap” but no price is mentioned. Video here 

A day to check the weather by looking outside

It is a day to check the weather by looking outside. The weather forecast has too many options and doubtful time frames to do it any other way. This is the scene in South Bayview at 2 p.m. Saturday, December 3, 2014, with temperatures at 2 above and lots of snow falling. Maybe it is all going to be washed away within an hour or two with highs of 7 Celsius by Sunday morning. Then look out as Monday temperatures plunge to minus eight. 

Sinister Allstate burglar “Mayhem” is on web

Ad Age Magazine (edited) — Since 2010, Allstate’s Mayhem has distracted drivers on the road with car washes and text messages, terrorized homeowners as a snowstorm and a raccoon in the attic, and served as a reminder that it’s important to have the right insurance when things go wrong. Now, the funny and scary Mayhem is back on the Internet with a new series of spots created by Leo Burnett, which debuted in the U.S. on New Year’s Day. In the ads, Mayhem is a burglar who finds targets on social media based on their travel plans. Here he peddles “Matt and Shannon’s” household stuff in an alarming and destructive way. Describing himself as a “nerd burglar,” he breaks into a couple’s home while they’re away and sells their stuff on the Internet. Ad Age

Could Bayview traffic possibly go any faster?

Fussbudgets like The South Bayview Bulldog hear the new mayor talk about how there will be zero-tolerance of “gridlock” and they get a silly look on their faces. The Bulldog looks silly most of the time with that funny tongue hanging out but both the mayor’s tone and the timeless realities of rush-hour traffic make one wonder how it will work. Never mind that heavy traffic is not “gridlock”. Gridlock is a state of interlocking blockages that are almost never seen on Toronto streets. There is heavy traffic, for sure, but no gridlock. Call us picky but the use of such language is typical of the media and politicians who see a common purpose in making things sound absolutely as bad as possible. Hey, no one likes heavy traffic. But let’s wander out onto Bayview Ave. at 5 p.m.and watch the 100 km/h dash to North York by drivers who look as if they would enjoy climbing up onto the sidewalks if they thought they could get away with that. Do some vehicles get more or less abandoned by drivers to block a lane of northbound traffic every now and then? Yes. Now they are going to be towed faster and pay more, says the mayor. But cars don’t vanish in front of tow trucks like an after school snack. The City-TV website is quoting tow truck drivers about how long it takes to authorize a tow, pick up the vehicle, tow it to the pound and come back.

Personal coach Barry Samuels has keys to 2015

Barry Samuels the Leaside personal coach who runs the InsideOut Studio at 210 Laird Drive has published some “Keys to Personal Success” for the New Year. He prefaces his keys by saying: Come new year’s day, society is eager to recommit and look within themselves for areas of improvement. It’s the one day of the year we have the appetite for it. The powerful question to ask yourself should be, am I ready to go beyond to achieve lasting success? Readiness is critical to health and success,” says Barry. You can reach Barry at (416) 849 4765. 
Samuel’s Key Elements To Being Ready For Personal Success In 2015 
1. Invest In Yourself Through Health 
2. Decide What You Need; Visualize Your End Goal 
3. Be Ready To Commit, Wholly 
4. Chart A Plan With Direction 
5. Seek To Invoke Accountability To Stay On Track 
6. Set Yourself Up For Successes (Make The Goals Sensible) 
7. Declutter Your Physical & Psychological Environment While Sharpening Discipline + Focus 8. Ensure You Have Support Towards Positive Change 
9. Be Disciplined and Expect “Micro” Setbacks 10. 
Seek A Mentor or Guide

“Silver gun” used as Uptown banks robbed Friday

It appears that a bank robber with a silver gun hit two Uptown bank branches Friday, January 2, 2015.  Police say a silver gun was used first at the TD Canada Trust branch located on Yonge Street near Bedford Park Avenue. Within 15 minutes, there was a holdup at the BMO branch on Avenue Road at Fairlawn Avenue. Police believe the same suspect is responsible for both robberies. A description of the suspect has not yet been provided by police. 

Dad delivers baby on Don Mills — and does good

A father who was trying to drive and monitor the urgent arrival of his new daughter was told to pull over and do the job himself without help from the hospital. And so he did. Like millions of fathers before, he faced the job of helping his wife deliver a baby and survived. So did everyone. The touching CTV story by Paul Bliss tells the tale. It happened Thursday (January 1, 2015). Timing for a delivery at the hospital wasn’t quite right. The baby, a little girl, was half out. The delivery occurred at the corner of  Don Mills Road at Esterbrooke Avenue, just north of Sheppard Avenue, at approximately 9 p.m. The father, Alex, delivered the baby while on the phone with the operator. His said first instinct was to put the infant next to her mother’s bare skin to keep her warm.  Nearby York Region paramedics rushed to the scene, but arrived after the baby was born on the back seat of the white SUV. The mother and baby were brought by ambulance to a nearby hospital to be checked out. Both are healthy. The little girl is the third child for Anna and Alex, who have not yet picked out a name. CTV